Spawn of Satan


New Member
Well it's official.. my chameleon HATES me. I was hoping he would come around a little, but no. It took me another hour to get him out of his cage so I could clean it. He didn't give up for a single second. He must have tried to bite me 100 times. He had the most vibrant black spots all over his light green body. I was finally able to coax him onto one of his plants and remove it from the cage. I know it's his instinct to think my hands are a predator but it still hurts a little. I just don't want it to be this bad every single time. You would think he would be nicer since he is so young. I don't want to upset him or hurt him. Darn it.. I'm trying to help him stay healthy by cleaning his cage! I have an ungrateful son. I love him regardless but I hope things will start to improve once I get some worms and can handfeed. Poor little guy was scared to death.
You know I laugh when I read this because I feel your pain I just give up with trying to get them out my female name is Littlefoot but her new name is LittleB***** haha that's what I have to do is move them onto the branch then pull them out or pull out the glove
and i thought clair was a little grump :p if i dance near her she puffs up. guess i cant dance XD! but shes acutally pritty nice about being picked up. she puffs but nothing crazy. i can de-puff her by petting her chin or feeding her. esp fruit. try those things ^^!
and i thought clair was a little grump :p if i dance near her she puffs up. guess i cant dance XD! but shes acutally pritty nice about being picked up. she puffs but nothing crazy. i can de-puff her by petting her chin or feeding her. esp fruit. try those things ^^!

There is no way in H*ll that Bodhi would let me get anywhere near his chin! Haha. Yeah what kind of different stuff can I try to feed him? So far I've just tried crickets and Dubia's. He ate on Dubia and turned dark green as if it was bitter. I tried for the next couple of days to get him to eat one but no luck. I figured I would wait just a little bit longer to get some worms and stuff. Just because I have to order them and he's still pretty young. Any specific feeders that Clair absolutely loves?
You know I laugh when I read this because I feel your pain I just give up with trying to get them out my female name is Littlefoot but her new name is LittleB***** haha that's what I have to do is move them onto the branch then pull them out or pull out the glove

Hahaha! That's a nice name. I'm sure she loves that one. I seriously think Bodhi is female sometimes. He got all spotted today and acted like a hormonal crack addict. I had to come on here and vent about it.
Most get better with hand feeding/showers/sunshine. When puberty hits it's random though!
There is no way in H*ll that Bodhi would let me get anywhere near his chin! Haha. Yeah what kind of different stuff can I try to feed him? So far I've just tried crickets and Dubia's. He ate on Dubia and turned dark green as if it was bitter. I tried for the next couple of days to get him to eat one but no luck. I figured I would wait just a little bit longer to get some worms and stuff. Just because I have to order them and he's still pretty young. Any specific feeders that Clair absolutely loves?

honestly...clair love EVERYTHING! shes tryed to eat my finger multiple times! XD i use a technique i call finger wiggle. i wiggle my finger everytime im going to feed her and before each feeder. i make her watch my finger in the place im go to present the food. i only allow my chams to hand feed. no FRing or cup feeding anymore. after a while she got used to it. whatever i present she will eat it. i've had her eat hibiscus leaves, fruit, and whatever bugs and she happylier watches the new food item than eats it :). try finger wiggleing?
Most get better with hand feeding/showers/sunshine. When puberty hits it's random though!

oh and that 2! shes lovessss sunshine. been a little grumpyer sence it got 2 cold. and FRing helps 2. shes alot happier on her trees :D
and i thought clair was a little grump :p if i dance near her she puffs up. guess i cant dance XD! but shes acutally pritty nice about being picked up. she puffs but nothing crazy. i can de-puff her by petting her chin or feeding her. esp fruit. try those things ^^!

Thats exactly how my little lady is!!! :D!!!!!
minus the dancing ._. she would probably never let me touch her if i attempted to dance xDDDD

But the picking up thing exactly the same!! she is like OH! you have food, you are now my best friend!!! :p
I forgot to mention that today when I was trying to coax him onto a stick he got it with his tongue! I thought he did this last time too but I wasn't sure. Have your chams done this before? He wasn't as heated up at that point. But I don't know if he was telling me to get it away from him or wanted to know what it was. Maybe it was an attempt to scare it away. What kind of fruit can I give him?
I forgot to mention that today when I was trying to coax him onto a stick he got it with his tongue! I thought he did this last time too but I wasn't sure. Have your chams done this before? He wasn't as heated up at that point. But I don't know if he was telling me to get it away from him or wanted to know what it was. Maybe it was an attempt to scare it away. What kind of fruit can I give him?

i give clair whatever. grapes, banana, peach, apple. shes LOVES fruit. esp tangarines :D. i've noticed she doesnt drink much anymore and just gets her water from fruit. i usually offer daily. i know its a bit much on sugar but she really likes it and madagascar has lots of yummy lichie so mabey its ok. i actually am starting to cut her back today. try some fruit. its likely he wont eat it untill you teach him how to know what food is tho.
Dude they are so moody its funny. My guy little Cletus was irate today when I opened his cage to put some crickets in there for him. He was hissing and tryin to bite me the whole time. I guess he just wasn't hungry!
have you tried opening the cage door and putting a large tall potted plant in front of the cage and see if your chameleon will climb onto that? That is a shame he is so mean!!
Just sit him down and tell him how is actions are making you feel, and that if his aggressive behavior doesn't stop you will have no choice but to seek family counseling, being as that will cut into his basking time, he will most likely shape up. I will also add, you may want to see if he has a drinking problem, as that usually leads to aggressive behavior and is often a gateway drug, check under his favorite leaf, you may just find a crack needle. Good Luck:D:D:D:D:rolleyes::D:D:D:D;)
Let me ask a few questions and see if we can come up with a plan. My ideas may work or may not. I gave away a female ambanja, who was to be the mate to my guy. She was just evil!!

Now others who have had issues. How often are you cleaning her/his cage? I backed off on a cham to only wiping up poop every 2 days as, he just did not want me near his cage or to even see him. I put an umbrella tree in his cage, so he was not seen unless he chose to be. I put his food climbing on the inside of his cage and left. I did not even try to touch him for almost 6 weeks. I will be hung for this, but I did not do a full cleaning of his cage the entire time. Picked up poop & dead leaves and let it go at that. After he was completely comfortable being seen, I would look at him and get closer each day. After a while I would put food close to him. Then I would hold a feeder close before he ate. After he did not eat from my hand, I put the food in his cage and left. Each time I fed him, I made him look at the feeder i was holding, and wait longer and longer before I gave him his food. Finally one day he ate a feeder from my hand. I gave him the rest of his feeders on the side of the cage and left. We have worked up to where he is completely hand fed. When I need to move him I use a stick most of the time. Once in a while when he is in the mood he walks on my hand. If i do something stupid like try to weight him, we are back to the stick as he won't get near me for a while.:(
This approach take a lot of time and has tried my patience to the max, but it has worked several times. Hope this might help you.
Just sit him down and tell him how is actions are making you feel, and that if his aggressive behavior doesn't stop you will have no choice but to seek family counseling, being as that will cut into his basking time, he will most likely shape up. I will also add, you may want to see if he has a drinking problem, as that usually leads to aggressive behavior and is often a gateway drug, check under his favorite leaf, you may just find a crack needle. Good Luck:D:D:D:D:rolleyes::D:D:D:D;)

thats a good one!!!!! everytime mine trys to bite me i always snap my fingers at it and tell it no... no idea why but he jsut looks at me like "do it again see what i do to your fingers" but for some reason sometimes it works or i always give them mealworms and they follow the meal worm cup our of their cage lol
Well it's official.. my chameleon HATES me.
first and foremost, your good lookin little stud is not the spawn of satan. how do i know? well the Spawn of Satan is a perticular woman i used to date and have an 18 year old daughter with. :rolleyes:

now that we have cleared that up, i wish you luck nevertheless! :D
My male veiled would shoot at the tips of a green-ish stick I was using when he was little. He wanted some green food! :)
first and foremost, your good lookin little stud is not the spawn of satan. how do i know? well the Spawn of Satan is a perticular woman i used to date and have an 18 year old daughter with. :rolleyes:

now that we have cleared that up, i wish you luck nevertheless! :D

bwahahahahaha thats awesome. but so wrong lol yeah just give it time maybe he wont try to kill you later on just give him time. and more time. and maybe some more time after that haha.
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