Spawn of Satan

Just sit him down and tell him how is actions are making you feel, and that if his aggressive behavior doesn't stop you will have no choice but to seek family counseling, being as that will cut into his basking time, he will most likely shape up. I will also add, you may want to see if he has a drinking problem, as that usually leads to aggressive behavior and is often a gateway drug, check under his favorite leaf, you may just find a crack needle. Good Luck:D:D:D:D:rolleyes::D:D:D:D;)

Hahahaha! Funniest thing I've heard in a long time! BTW I didn't find a crack pipe. However, I did find I miniature straw cut in half. He has been using that to snort his crickets. I really need to have an intervention. He just doesn't care about anything anymore. This is not the way he was raised. Talk to your Chameleons people. Don't shove this under the plant. It is in everyones family.. yet no one is educated on how to deal with it. Don't let your cham tear apart your family with its drug use. If you notice excessive basking and crazy eyes, please address it before it's too late.
first and foremost, your good lookin little stud is not the spawn of satan. how do i know? well the Spawn of Satan is a perticular woman i used to date and have an 18 year old daughter with. :rolleyes:

now that we have cleared that up, i wish you luck nevertheless! :D

thats means you helped create a semi-spawn D: now ima have nightmares :eek::eek:
Let me ask a few questions and see if we can come up with a plan. My ideas may work or may not. I gave away a female ambanja, who was to be the mate to my guy. She was just evil!!

Now others who have had issues. How often are you cleaning her/his cage? I backed off on a cham to only wiping up poop every 2 days as, he just did not want me near his cage or to even see him. I put an umbrella tree in his cage, so he was not seen unless he chose to be. I put his food climbing on the inside of his cage and left. I did not even try to touch him for almost 6 weeks. I will be hung for this, but I did not do a full cleaning of his cage the entire time. Picked up poop & dead leaves and let it go at that. After he was completely comfortable being seen, I would look at him and get closer each day. After a while I would put food close to him. Then I would hold a feeder close before he ate. After he did not eat from my hand, I put the food in his cage and left. Each time I fed him, I made him look at the feeder i was holding, and wait longer and longer before I gave him his food. Finally one day he ate a feeder from my hand. I gave him the rest of his feeders on the side of the cage and left. We have worked up to where he is completely hand fed. When I need to move him I use a stick most of the time. Once in a while when he is in the mood he walks on my hand. If i do something stupid like try to weight him, we are back to the stick as he won't get near me for a while.:(
This approach take a lot of time and has tried my patience to the max, but it has worked several times. Hope this might help you.

That sounds like a really good plan! It might just work with Bodhi. He already associates his green cup with the crickets. I see his little head pop up every time I put it in his cage. So obviously if I can feed him as you did, he will start to associate my hand with food. Every time I go to pick up worms at a Pet Store they advise me against it. Most places only have Supers but one also has mealworms. He is small but a lot of people on here told me I could go ahead and start feeding him worms. I always end up backing out of it once I get to the pet store. I don't want to order worms online just yet because I gave him a Dubia and he didn't like it. He wouldn't eat them at all after that. I think my main problem is I have such shaky hands! Once I was able to pull one of his plants out but the rest of them are all connected to vines. I will definitely have to do something soon though. I just don't understand why all of the Pet Stores are adamant against me giving him worms. They keep making me paranoid. :(
That sounds like a really good plan! It might just work with Bodhi. He already associates his green cup with the crickets. I see his little head pop up every time I put it in his cage. So obviously if I can feed him as you did, he will start to associate my hand with food. Every time I go to pick up worms at a Pet Store they advise me against it. Most places only have Supers but one also has mealworms. He is small but a lot of people on here told me I could go ahead and start feeding him worms. I always end up backing out of it once I get to the pet store. I don't want to order worms online just yet because I gave him a Dubia and he didn't like it. He wouldn't eat them at all after that. I think my main problem is I have such shaky hands! Once I was able to pull one of his plants out but the rest of them are all connected to vines. I will definitely have to do something soon though. I just don't understand why all of the Pet Stores are adamant against me giving him worms. They keep making me paranoid. :(

Now so much how old is he, but how big is he? If he is too small you don't want to give him worms that are too big. If you offer adult worms and they are way big, he may be a long time before taking one. Prey can scare a little one. I wouldn't want food as big as I am would you?

If he bites you are this point is he big enough to hurt you? My baby melleris hates me, but i think he is getting over it. Every time he opens his mouth to gape at me I offer him a finger. I also make sure my finger does not taste good. I tiny dab a white vinegar does the trick. He is getting to where sitting on the finger is ok, but biting it is not. Any way those are just other ideas to try.
Now so much how old is he, but how big is he? If he is too small you don't want to give him worms that are too big. If you offer adult worms and they are way big, he may be a long time before taking one. Prey can scare a little one. I wouldn't want food as big as I am would you?

If he bites you are this point is he big enough to hurt you? My baby melleris hates me, but i think he is getting over it. Every time he opens his mouth to gape at me I offer him a finger. I also make sure my finger does not taste good. I tiny dab a white vinegar does the trick. He is getting to where sitting on the finger is ok, but biting it is not. Any way those are just other ideas to try.

He seems to be around 2-3 months. He is getting bigger by the minute! The problem is that the Pet Stores just tell me its a bad idea. They don't show me how big their worms are. So I can't really gauge it. I'm going to hop around to all 3 of the Pet Stores in my area and make them show me today. All of them have Supers which I definitely won't do. But occasionally some of them have Mealworms... possibly more. It's pretty ridiculous. We have two Petlands and one other family owned shop. Petland only has extra small or extra large crickets. And all three "seem" to have huge worms. Why would they sell small/baby animals of any sort if they don't have anything to feed them? Animals grow. They don't just stay small or large. And I definitely don't want Bodhi to go on a hunger strike while he is young because I can only feed him crickets.

I actually got him to eat a cricket off of my hand the other day. It was missing the majority of its legs. It took him about 15 minutes. He kept looking at me like he wasn't sure but he did it! It's funny because he recognizes my face and feels safe looking at me. But he is terrified of my hands. He doesn't realize that it's me. So he will look at my hands, then my face, then back at my hands. Like he wants me to tell him that it's okay. Haha! What about fruit? I've had people mention that a couple of times. Like strawberry, banana, apple, veggies, etc. How do I cut them up? And will they look enticing to him if they aren't moving?

I really appreciate your help and advice by the way. You're a sweetheart. :)
None of my chams will touch fruit, but talk to Hoj, he chams love fruit. I think he rubs the taste on a cricket, then the next time ribbed the fruit against the chams mouth so the ate it. But don't quote me. Send him a pm.

btw i feed my 3 month old deremensis tiny superworms, and all my other chams also.
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