Speaking of Dubias...


New Member
Anyone know where or if I can get them in Florida? I think I'd like to start breeding to feed to my cham. I live in the Cocoa Beach area. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I lived in Indiatlantic for a year or so and remember those palmetto bugs, the flying roaches. I wonder if they are ediable and if you could capture some and breed them? :confused: I know they are everywhere along with the house geckos.

There are several Floridians here so some one should chime in soon.;)
Why would you want to breed Palmetto Bugs? Not only are they gross, but like you said... they fly!

Anyway, I live in Orlando, and I ordered my dubias online. In fact I order all of my feeders online. My 2 major ones are dubias and silkies and I don't know anywhere else to get them. it would be nice to wait for/have to pay for shipping though.
I have heard it is illegal to have roaches in Florida. Maybe I am all washed up being from Washington, but I could have sworn I have seen posts to that effect. i believe it is the risk of infestation.
It could be true. I think it's species-specific though. Either way, I'm not going down without a fight! RAWR!
Why would you want to breed Palmetto Bugs? Not only are they gross, but like you said... they fly!

What makes them any worse then a dubia? :confused: They fly yes, but not like an eagle, more like an half ass hop.:rolleyes: They are also FREE!;) I now do remember reading that many roach suppliers will not ship to Florida.

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