Species Identification?


New Member
Hello, Ive recently purchased a species of alligator lizard. I know this is irrelevant with General Discussion for Chameleon Husbandry, but I only posted it here to get a quicker response. The identification of this lizard was a California Alligator Lizard as they told me but I am not 100% sure (I just dont want to make a humid enviroment when it should be dry). The pic is right here I really dont want any off topic answers. I want a direct answer, for example its a blah blah species of alligator lizard and is a male. If you are familiar with this species please give me more information because the more I know the longer it will live.
~Once Again THANKS!


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Well...it looks like the young ones I've seen around here (I live in San Diego). I have a hard time getting my head around buying one as they are just sort of nasty tempered lizards you don't want to get in your house here...but it looks right.

Here's are 2 pictures that came up in my Google Image search for this (young California alligator lizard):


Thanks, The second image is most not related to him. The only reason that I purchased him because of the tongue and the temper. I know Alligator Lizards are called Alligators because of their bite but this guy is very light tempered and gets along with me when I clean his cage/replace/clean etc. Anyway what about the identification I have researched alot!!!! And have seen lizards very similar to him.
Looks like an aligator lizard to me. From what I understand they look different depending on what part of california they are from.
Looks like an aligator lizard to me. From what I understand they look different depending on what part of california they are from.

I know its an Alligator Lizard for sure! The Alligator Lizard was purchased in Granada Hills.
Cool. Tons of personality on these animals. Unless it's very young I'm gonna say female and gravid.
Im just curious to know why you would "purchase" something thats most likely in your backyard.... I know they are in mine.

secondly, out of insane cat like curiosity how much did you pay for it? I say it because as of now no gender has been signified.

Looks like an alligator lizard to me.... we had a bunch back in middle school for science class. We kept them in a tank with four hermit crabs, forgot them over spring break and came back to four torn up hermit crabs, and what I guess was four emaciated lizards. Still, they are pretty mean.

good luck with your new friend though! :)

It looks like a California Alligator. They have slight color/marking variations. The colors and markings are not just endemic to the location they come from. I have seen ones with various markings and even some with blues in them, just in my backyard.
Elgaria multicarinata . It might be webbii or multi.multi.
Ive kept these for years and still do. A favorite local lizard of mine. They can take it hott/cold wet or dry. They are very hardy and adaptable.
I keep mine set up with soil, leafs, bark and any other kinda ground cover. With a basking spot of 90F and a water bowl as they will soak in the water.
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