Specs seems to be going downhill... please help :(

You said..."now that Ive removed the anoles and raised the basking light a little, he goes more towards the top"...if the anoles were preventing him from basking and sitting within the range of the UVB he might be lacking nutrients.

Another thought, if the anoles are WC they could have passed something on to him that he can't handle....just a thought.
I doubt the anoles prevented him from basking. If anything it was because the light was too close to the top and the UVB was placed in a weird spot. They were WC, but checked thoroughly for any parasites, diseases, and I made sure they were cleaned. But, besides all of that, I noticed all of these problems with Specs long before the anoles were introduced. I had never intended on keeping the anoles for long anyway and they weren't going to be a permanent addition, I just needed somewhere to keep them temporarily for someone else.

Lacking nutrients is really the only thing I can think of though. My main best bet would be because of the UVB light that had the plastic cover slip on it for about two months. /:
from what i read on your first post, him grabbing his limbs and having weak grip.. this could be a sign of MBD so if your cham does not get any better you should try getting him to a vet asap if you can
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