sperm plug

i put my female in with my male today to see if they would breed. my female showed to be receptive and my male was real eager. i let them alone for about a half hour and when i checked on them my female had his sperm plug sticking out of her cloaca. what i am now wondering is will she have fertile eggs or should i put her back in with him if he only expelled the plug into her. any help would be great
As long as she is receptive it should be fine to mate them again if the male had one sperm plug its possible that he has two and i find they cange sides for the next mating.
i put them back together for a couple hours and now she is showing her now receptive color. at first it was her normal geen color i seperated them again and hopefully i get eggs in a month
I am a little confused by the way this read out to me and perhaps I do not want to know. What is a sperm plug?
jvillereptile said..."i put them back together for a couple hours and now she is showing her now receptive color. at first it was her normal geen color i seperated them again and hopefully i get eggs in a month"...if she is showing receptive coloration and not repelling the male, then she likely isn't going to lay fertile eggs IMHO. She should be showing her non-receptive coloration and repelling the male (rocking, hissing, gaping, lunging at the male) to show that she is gravid. Did you mean to say she is now showing her non-receptive color?
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