Spider ID?


Avid Member
This is about as good as a picture as I can get without finding something to stand on. That, and it kept looking like it was going to jump on me each time I took a picture.
Okay I admit I'm a little scared of it, but only because I don't know what it is. :eek:

We have a few of them around the house. They came in after we had a mosquito problem a few months back and have been around ever since.

You know I actually believed you and went to go look it up. :eek:

They eat other little annoying insects. I don't mind them.... until they start breeding and laying eggs or something everywhere... which has just recently happened.
I found like two little baby spiders the other night, then another, then another... randomly throughout the night.
I guess my only thing is that the other ones I have seen don't have the same patterns. I don't want to catch another! Haha, you are probably right, though.
Well, I guess this thread was successful in identifying it as a spider. Also that some of us don't like it!!! :p Sorry Sabrina. Hope you got something useful!!
I'll eat it for a dollar?

I love spiders, they are very interesting and save me from gnats/mosquitoes/etc. I would rather take the time to catch it and put it outside versus smashing it.
I'll eat it for a dollar?

I love spiders, they are very interesting and save me from gnats/mosquitoes/etc. I would rather take the time to catch it and put it outside versus smashing it.

Only 1 dollar!!! I'll give you 20, then we're even!!! :p I prefer smooshing or squashing to smashing.......
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