spider in the cricket bin. any ideas on the species?


Avid Member
I kinda thought, brown recluse, but not so sure that's what it is. It does not match the pics I have found. Anyone with an id let me know. thanks
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I am by no means a expert on spiders but i am leaning towards the side of it being a recluse. After reading up a little on them on wikipedia and comparing the pictures. Some of the markings do resemble the brown recluse, particularly the pattern on the abdomen looks almost the same as the marking on the spider's back in your second picture.


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yEAH i think that is a brown recluse!! dont get bit by them the docs have to take a huge chunk of meat off where the bite occures.
heh I found a brown recluse just like that and put it in a cricket keeper I don't use anymore, showed it to my mom.

Oh how I love giving her more grey hairs.

Be careful though, extremely poisonous... this is what will happen if you get bit.


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you can definetly get come funky stuff in your cricket box's i know the pet store i used to get mine from got theres from all over the place. Used to always get hobo spiders in the box and even once got a young T.
Okay, Karmachameleon is either my hero, or the worst person on earth...not really sure.

Take it to the edge of a canyon or field and release it to the wild then RUN AWAY!!!
I was bitten by one recently 3 times but my reaction to the venom was not nearly as bad as those pictured above, but the worst I ever been bitten by anything.

Funny thing is, i thought I brought whatever bit me from the woods either 4wheeling or bringing it back in habitat material like bark ect. for my terrariums. All I knew was something bit me in the night but had no ideal what. Few days later I found a crazy venomous spider in my empty cricket keeper w no lid. in my garage . It ID'd as a recluse, and had all the symptoms from the bite as well. Still about a month and has not healed.
My father was bitten on the inner thigh by a recluse. The poison ate away flesh About the size of a quarter. It took over a year to fully heal, even with daily attention. After he was bitten we looked up a ton of information on them, not an expert but I would say that looks like a brown recluse. You live in Texas ? Cause they do inhabit there. Put some sticky pad traps in your house and see if you catch any more. Try not to get bit, the pictures I saw earlier in this thread are exactly what happens! looking at my dads almost made me sick.
I'm pretty sure it's not a recluse, I've done many jobs with multible pest control operations. Lots of spiders have markings like that on their back. I agree that it looks like a wolf spider sp. but it's still big enough to bite and the effects will not be pleasant, whether the spider is dangerously venomous or not, all spiders are venomous.
That’s no brown recluse… I usually get 2-5 of those bastards in with our weekly shipments. They usually come bolting out of the boxes and up my hand which naturally makes me run around knocking things over screaming like I have been shot with a .45 until I am able to squish them by any means necessary. I have been bitten several times by them and though it leaves a little mark they are harmless.
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