Spiral tail


New Member
Hi guys,

My first ever Chameleon Sunny, who is 4 months old is sitting on the new devils ivy Plant I got for him today and I put some of the leaves
In his cage so he can just climb out when he pleases
While I'm in the room, he is very green but his tail is
Completely spiralled when my boyfriends family
Came in the room to see him and they were
Quite loud. So I was wondering if he is scarred even
Though he is still green but his tail is all spiral?
Also is it to cold for him outside his cage?
Please reply soon!

Many thanks Soph!.
Yes, they will spiral their tail when they are scared or feel threatened. It is not too cold to take him out of the cage in your house. How long have you had him? If you just got him, then leave him be for a few weeks to settle in before you try handling him. If he comes to you then fine, but from what you are describing he is intimidated by everyone.
Also, is he a Veild? Veilds will eat plants and I am not sure if Devils Ivy are safe. You have to be careful with what plants you put inside of your cage. Can you post a pic of you chameleon and enclosure?
Yes he is a veiled chameleon,
He is currently sitting on one of the branches napping, I never pick him up unless I need to, I turn the plant around so it's facing his cage door so he can climb in himself to prevent me stressing him out, the plant is outside it's cage btw, it's a tall devils ivy and I have been watching to make sure he doesn't chew on it, I herd it's on,y poisonous if he eat a lot? But I won't let him eat any.
Also is it normal that he is sleeping on it now very green with a spiral tail even though it's not his bedtime? It isn't light I'm my room it's a bit dark. And one more thing, I have a turbo fan I use at night, it doesn't effect the temp in his cage I already checked, and he seems to still sleep when it's on but could the noise effect him? Thank you!

Sorry for all the questions!


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He seems relaxed and green! Turbo fan isn't bothering him, I never face it to words him


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The fan should not cause any problems as long as he is able to get away from the breeze when he wants. Chameleons have extremely limited hearing and can only sense low vibrations, so it is not likely he can hear it. I have had no problems with fans and air conditioners.

How long have you had him? If he only sleeps when it is dark, that should be fine, but if he is sleeping during the day when it is light out that can mean he is sick.
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