Splurging! Spoiled chameleon!


Established Member
I'm A Bad Bad Bad Boy...

I'm in trouble with my girlfriend lol. I spent way too much just now!!! Jasper is one SPOILED chameleon!!!

I'm getting ready to upgrade his cage to an adult cage, finally got everything i wanted!


[/B]DIY 2' x 2' x 4' Full Mesh Cage:

Large Hagen Exo Terra Silk Terrarium Plant (Fake Mary Jane Plants:D):

2 Mist King Adjustable Rain Nozzle:

1 Premium 1/4" T Connector:
(Shipping is NO JOKE to the USA lol)


Aquasun T5-HO Double Light Linear Fluorescent Hood:

22" Zoo Med Ultra Sun Trichromatic Super Daylight Bulb T5 High Output 24w:

22" Arcadia D3 T-5 22 Inch 24 Watt *6% Forest UVB*:


15+ HornWorms
100 ReptiWorms
100 SuperWorms


3oZ DinoFuel:

8oZ Bug Burger:

1LBS Cricket Crack:
:eek: I wish I was your chameleon! add some silkworms and butterworm to that list I think he would like them better than supers:p
:eek: I wish I was your chameleon! add some silkworms and butterworm to that list I think he would like them better than supers:p

Lol i know, my girlfriend said the same thing :/

Couldn't find any large silks...Still waiting on a few people to reply.

I forgot all about butterworms, maybe my next order of feeders i'll pick up some. I need to get some crickets soon.
Lol i know, my girlfriend said the same thing :/

Couldn't find any large silks...Still waiting on a few people to reply.

I forgot all about butterworms, maybe my next order of feeders i'll pick up some. I need to get some crickets soon.

Medium silks and food would be ok as they grow very fast.:D
Medium silks and food would be ok as they grow very fast.:D

Man...Mulberry farms just got a shipment not too long ago, i tried ordering some last night but minimum requirement was $14.90 lol. I'm not trying to pay $22 bucks just for silkworms/other insects i don't need.

Hopefully my other silkworm peeps can help a brotha out :rolleyes:
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