squeaking sounds?


New Member
So when i go to take Stickers out of her enclosure for her meds, she will open her mouth to me ( not all the time usually when my daughter is there) but i just ignore her and pick her up anyway. She just closes her mouth then wraps her tail around my hand. I figure if i ignore this behavior she will stop ( it worked with my beardie, i just acted like it did not happen and she gave up trying to scare me lOl)

But i noticed that sometimes when i am holding her in my hand she makes a little squeaking sounds. is this normal?
I have no choice but to get her out of her enclosure at least 2 times a day for her meds.So if she is stressed i really can't stop until friday ( when she has her follow up vet appointment.
If the med is liquid, and only a small amount, you can inject it into a
hornworm or silkworm with a insulin syringe and hand feed!

Ask your pharmacist for a syringe (or vet)
what type of meds? Meds for an RI which will usually cause a squeak type noise?.?.?

She is on a liquid med called Amphojel which i put in her mouth with a dropper 2 times a day and then i have to inject her with Baytril every other day.

Neither is for a RI.
Veiled Chameleons actually do make a sub-sonic squeaking sound when threatened or irritated. It’s like a hoot almost. You can’t hear it so much unless you have your ear right up against the chameleon, but you can feel it in your hand when you are holding them. It is thought that it serves as protection against predators. Perhaps this is what you are hearing?
Trace, is it possible that this sound is something people with more adept hearing might hear? I'm thinking of the fact that teenagers can hear really high pitched sounds; so much so that they have secret super high ring tones that their teachers cannot hear and businesses install speakers that emit super high pitched tones to keep teens from lingering in the store for too long.

rangosmama, I'm not sure she'll ever learn to ignore being picked up. Typically it's recommended you get them to walk onto your hand or a stick by prodding gently from the other side. Also, except when you need to grasp her in your hand for the medication process, I don't think it's advisable to do more than let her walk on your fingers and around your hand.
Trace, is it possible that this sound is something people with more adept hearing might hear? I'm thinking of the fact that teenagers can hear really high pitched sounds; so much so that they have secret super high ring tones that their teachers cannot hear and businesses install speakers that emit super high pitched tones to keep teens from lingering in the store for too long.

rangosmama, I'm not sure she'll ever learn to ignore being picked up. Typically it's recommended you get them to walk onto your hand or a stick by prodding gently from the other side. Also, except when you need to grasp her in your hand for the medication process, I don't think it's advisable to do more than let her walk on your fingers and around your hand.

its funny it is my teenager that noticed the sound.
I guess i should have mentioned that it is when i am holding her for meds that she makes the noise. I am not in the habit of holding her, just the 2 times a day for meds. I tried to give them to her while she was in her cage, but it was impossible. after friday she should be all done with meds and hopefully get adjusted to us.But i do ignore the behavior and it seems to be less of an issue .( since i had her 11 days now, she has been on meds and stressed from us giving them to her)
Ignoring it and finding it amusing are really the best approaches when you have to deal with a chameleon and it doesn't want to be dealt with.
Trace, is it possible that this sound is something people with more adept hearing might hear?

its funny it is my teenager that noticed the sound.

I’ve wanted to revisit this thread for a few days now and I just got busy doing other stuff. Sorry! It’s interesting you say that for I’ve seen the odd thread over the years were people have claimed to have heard ‘shrieking’ coming from their chameleons’ enclosure and I’ve sort of dismissed it as coincidence or inexperience on behalf of the keeper. If I have the time I’ll correct everybody on the sounds chameleons make (some are more pronounced than others i.e. the Trioceros goetzei whistle) but sometimes I don’t. The threads were I have participated will be easy to find but I can’t recall every single one of them but it would be neat to compare some of the threads.

Sadly I’m not educated enough in the mechanics of their calls so I’m hoping that Andersonii or someone will see this and weigh in. Even if the noises may not be scientifically true (is that the proper terminology I want to use?) it’s certainly an interesting theory and I’d like to see a bit more on the subject.
When our chameleon was a little younger, he would make a little high pitched squeak (bird like) when he was scared (i.e if we moved suddenly or too quickly near him)

perhaps this is it? Now he is older, when he doesn't want us to handle him we get a little hiss!
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