Established Member
Ok I'm seriously trying to contain my excitement!!!! So the last few days chief has come to the front branch of his cage, which is odd for him, when it's feeding time. Then the other morning he was on the same branch but only on his back feet and his front feet were all outward like he 'wanted out'... But I knew if I approached him he'd probably shy away.
Yesterday I was running some weak bleach/soapy water through his sink to rinse through, cleaning his dirty bucket and his clean water bucket. When I opened the cage to run some water over the bottom white board thing, he came right to the front again, all curious and cute like. So slowly, I put everything down, and slowly put my hands to him, but held my hand in the same form as I held his worms, crickets, etc... And he slowly put one foot on.... Then another... Then another!! Didn't get all 4 on there but I'm so ecstatic! When I had to switch hands I did the same thing, and just eased under his feet and he calmly switched over.... I tried to encourage that last back foot, but he lifted his head a little bit and seems just a teensy bit unsure. So I moved my hand to the side a little bit towards his branch and he very calmly climbed back onto his branch and sat there!!!!!!!!! All the other times I've held him he wasn't keen on it and once back to his cage, he'd lunge to his branch and scurry to the back. I haven't touched him in weeks now, hoping this would happen!!!!
Baby steps!!
the picture is how he's been sitting on the branch a few days, usually his his front feet going in every which direction 
Oh and his gular edema has been going down thanks to some repashy rescuecal
Yesterday I was running some weak bleach/soapy water through his sink to rinse through, cleaning his dirty bucket and his clean water bucket. When I opened the cage to run some water over the bottom white board thing, he came right to the front again, all curious and cute like. So slowly, I put everything down, and slowly put my hands to him, but held my hand in the same form as I held his worms, crickets, etc... And he slowly put one foot on.... Then another... Then another!! Didn't get all 4 on there but I'm so ecstatic! When I had to switch hands I did the same thing, and just eased under his feet and he calmly switched over.... I tried to encourage that last back foot, but he lifted his head a little bit and seems just a teensy bit unsure. So I moved my hand to the side a little bit towards his branch and he very calmly climbed back onto his branch and sat there!!!!!!!!! All the other times I've held him he wasn't keen on it and once back to his cage, he'd lunge to his branch and scurry to the back. I haven't touched him in weeks now, hoping this would happen!!!!
Baby steps!!
Oh and his gular edema has been going down thanks to some repashy rescuecal