Staple other than Dubia and crickets?

I actually would go for costa Rican sp. of Panchlora roaches @jamest0o0 .... because honestly they are almost the size of a giant, larger than the regulars and if you get the green phase they are as bright as the regulars and brighter than the giants.
Roach crossing is all I know, they are expensive in the beginning. I will be working towards getting them in the long run.
They never reply to emails
They only don't currently, last few months, because of moving and currently they are backed up with orders. Give it like 4 months or so and they should be up to snuff. Kyle was always good about before the move took over.
Okay cool, I just wanted to get some colonies started for Kenyans, gbr, and discoids... I know some roaches take awhile to reproduce.

Sorry didn't mean to go off topic OP!
We have had good luck with our veiled accepting the Dubia as long as they are male. For whatever reason he won't eat the females, but he will happily munch the males.

Also, grasshoppers make a great alternative.
That seems to be the way with a lot of veileds and dubias... idk why o_O they seem to be a bit more against them than most others from what I have noticed.
Do they breed in captivity? I probably wouldn't feed WC around here.
Others have been successful at it, however I do not have a lot of patience with raising feeders. We tried once and failed. If you search the forums you can find where people have done it successfully.
I have successfully raised a generation. The issue is you gotta know what species you catch and then you gotta be willing to do a lot of testing. Everyone has different species and they need different things for hatching eggs and often feeding. My most common wild species won't eat stuff like store bought greens etc. I grew sprouts for them and rotated.
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