Ive noticed over the past week the slight swelling on one side of his mouth and waited hoping it would go away but still hasn't. He is also currently going through a tough full body shed so don't mine the skin hanging
In the pictures I've circled the area I'm concerned with
I had a chammy get that before in several instances. On the first instance, it was from brutally attacking the cup holding the insects that had run empty out of frustration (Veileds...). It went away after a week. Unfortunately, on the second instance, it was indeed mouth rot as it did not go away for more than a week, and he began to have "gooey mouth". I IMMEDIATELY, amazon primed Reptaid and combined it with some yummy Goya Nectar several times a day as required. It DID go away but I only did that due to not having the ability to get to a QUA-LI-FIED and highly experienced reptile vet. In all cases, it's best to go to a vet. If ya can't the Reptaid did the job for me.
Don't know if anyone is following this or not but it's more for myself. Ordered reptaid it will be here Monday. Tried swabbing with a q tip and didn't get anything out. Still the same size and the mouth isn't slimy or any extra saliva than normal. Still eating the same. Will try the repaid for a few days while I can't get to the vet if no improvement he's going the next day