Sternfeldi babies


Established Member
One of my gravid sternfeldi gave me 8 beautiful babies today. She looks so relieved!


That's great. Keep me posted on how they do. Mine are doing great. I have 3 going on 9 weeks, and 9 going on 5 weeks.
I'll get more pics later today. Momma is doing great.

Robert I'll keep you updated on them. Maybe we could do a trade this fall.

My other two gravid girls still have awhile to go.

The new little ones are doing great! They are getting a diet of aphids, 1/8" crickets and melanogaster fruit flies. They are being raised outside so the misting schedule is 25 minutes every four hours.


Your babies must be huge to already be eating 1/8" crickets!! My guys still won't touch those!! I'm at about 1/16" and it's hit or miss...
Christine they take them no problem. The adult aphids are the same size. I'll switch them over to hydei fruit flies once the cultures can be used in a few days.

Carl they look great! Congrats on the new little ones.

I recognize those baby cages in the background :) I hope all the little one love their hatchling cages and grow like weeds in them. Let me know when you need more as the Werneri are still on there way!
Yes Nick those are the Neonate cages. I will get some better photo's on my first day off.

Ok here is a few photo's of the babies. The cage is planted really thick so it is tough to get a shot of them in the cage.



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