Steve Jobs died!!:-(

Sad indeed, but now, what is direction Apple is going to take to keep Job's innovative ideas to keep the company on top?
Steve Jobs imbedded a ridiculously high standard in his company an all its products that will continue to set standard for a while I believe. It would be hard to break that quickly. Im a techie and its crazy I sit here watching about this mans death in the middle of using at least 4 products that he made happen. And thats just hardware he set the wheel for much more. Another sad loss. Cancer is a heart breaking disease. son texted me to tell me the news [I'm at work]. Very sad..such an inventive, genius of a man. Way ahead of the rest of the world. May he rest. Very sad.
although i'm not a fan of apple, besides their iPod's it really sucks that such a genius has departed this earth. apple, not sure if it was Steve, invented the dual touch - a masterpiece in it's self
Big bummer. He did vet a lot of good people that I am sure will diligent in carrying out the "Jobs" mission.
Very sad indeed. :( I will remain a faithful Apple customer until the day I die.

Because I am a strong believer in the Apple company, I want to take this opportunity to express my feelings about them. In my experience, the only people that say they don't like Macs are those who have never had them. It's not fair to discredit something that you've never really tried. (Using your friend's Mac once and being confused that the X is on the "wrong side" doesn't count :p) If you are someone who says you don't like Macs, please take a second to consider whether you've really used one enough to justify that opinion. If you haven't used one enough to be familiar with the platform, I don't think it's fair to say it's confusing, doesn't make sense, or you just don't like it. Of course it's going to seem confusing at first, since most people grow up trained on PCs. As someone who has significant experience with many different PCs and Macs, Macs are better, hands down. And I don't mean that in an immature "My computer is better than yours!" way. I mean it literally. If you compare the capabilities and advantages of each side by side, Macs win every time. The only real reason that a PC would be more suitable for someone is if his main purpose for owning a computer is to play PC games. Even the cost is not really a valid factor, because although Macs are expensive up front, they almost always cost less in the end. Their lifespan is usually longer than that of a PC and you don't have to buy all kinds of special anti-virus software to keep them clean. Not to mention they are so much more user-friendly and even their basic capabilities are extensive (I still sometimes stumble upon new things my Mac can do that I didn't know about). I have had my Mac for 2.5 years, and it runs just as perfectly as it did the first day I owned it. My mother, father, and brother have all gotten new PCs within the span of time that I have had my Mac, and all three of them are already having problems with their computers having viruses, running slowly, etc. That's their decision, but for me, I will never go back. :)

Man, I should be a spokesperson or something. Lol
"10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash - Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash."
Very sad indeed. :( I will remain a faithful Apple customer until the day I die.

Because I am a strong believer in the Apple company, I want to take this opportunity to express my feelings about them. In my experience, the only people that say they don't like Macs are those who have never had them. It's not fair to discredit something that you've never really tried. (Using your friend's Mac once and being confused that the X is on the "wrong side" doesn't count :p) If you are someone who says you don't like Macs, please take a second to consider whether you've really used one enough to justify that opinion. If you haven't used one enough to be familiar with the platform, I don't think it's fair to say it's confusing, doesn't make sense, or you just don't like it. Of course it's going to seem confusing at first, since most people grow up trained on PCs. As someone who has significant experience with many different PCs and Macs, Macs are better, hands down. And I don't mean that in an immature "My computer is better than yours!" way. I mean it literally. If you compare the capabilities and advantages of each side by side, Macs win every time. The only real reason that a PC would be more suitable for someone is if his main purpose for owning a computer is to play PC games. Even the cost is not really a valid factor, because although Macs are expensive up front, they almost always cost less in the end. Their lifespan is usually longer than that of a PC and you don't have to buy all kinds of special anti-virus software to keep them clean. Not to mention they are so much more user-friendly and even their basic capabilities are extensive (I still sometimes stumble upon new things my Mac can do that I didn't know about). I have had my Mac for 2.5 years, and it runs just as perfectly as it did the first day I owned it. My mother, father, and brother have all gotten new PCs within the span of time that I have had my Mac, and all three of them are already having problems with their computers having viruses, running slowly, etc. That's their decision, but for me, I will never go back. :)

Man, I should be a spokesperson or something. Lol

That is SO true! I have a Mac right now, and I LOVE it. I have HAD other laptops before that weren't macs, and honestly, they all were such a pain.
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