Still hanging from the roof!

hehe. got to love when the are so small and puff up and get all big and bad. you must be very very scared of him....
hehe, and they do hate cameras.
I would add a much larger plant to the cage as well as some horizontal branches. It is very easy to put horizontal branches into screen cages, just squeeze them in. Here is a pic of one of my setups.
Im with you vlad. New daddy for three months now and i freak out about the smallest things. Im driving evryone in my house crazy with how obssesd i am with trying to make everything perfect for my guy. and i also want to say thanks to camimom. alot of helpful advice from you. this forum has been a great resource.

Hahahhaha! Same here dude! Every time my dad will be like relax I'll be like " WAIIIT!!! WHAT IF...." and he just tell me to chill. I am paranoid about everything xD. I just don't want anything to go wrong nor I want him to suffer either. I made a commitment to make my first chameleon one of the healthiest and happiest little guys :)
Hahahhaha! Same here dude! Every time my dad will be like relax I'll be like " WAIIIT!!! WHAT IF...." and he just tell me to chill. I am paranoid about everything xD. I just don't want anything to go wrong nor I want him to suffer either. I made a commitment to make my first chameleon one of the healthiest and happiest little guys :)

This is a very good commitment to make. ALot of people do not understand the commitment they need to make when they take on a pet.. whether its a cat, dog, or a specialized lizard.
I would add a much larger plant to the cage as well as some horizontal branches. It is very easy to put horizontal branches into screen cages, just squeeze them in. Here is a pic of one of my setups.

You already posted this before on my previous threat. That was the picture I took at 6:32 AM in the morning. I was not going to drive to Home Depot and buy more plants lol. I already added another plant and put a nice stick that goes across the cage from side to side and goes higher to his basking spot :). Thanks for the advice though.
Im SOrry I cant help it now. Its funny to say just saying... It started with carol doing it.... Its one of those days!

haha I created a new fad on the forum! lol To the "new parent" just to let you know the worrying NEVER stops! I have never owned an animal I worry so much about. I am constantly checking him over for this and that! Get used to it!
haha I created a new fad on the forum! lol To the "new parent" just to let you know the worrying NEVER stops! I have never owned an animal I worry so much about. I am constantly checking him over for this and that! Get used to it!

You did! its the new thing to say.. all the cool kids are doing it. (and by cool kids, i mean the chameleon addicted, bug breeding obsessed, specific plant shopper dorks we all are!)
and its very true. I worry about Kink and Kermit more than my dog, my cat, my ferret, and my fish tank. And im a worry wort!
You did! its the new thing to say.. all the cool kids are doing it. (and by cool kids, i mean the chameleon addicted, bug breeding obsessed, specific plant shopper dorks we all are!)

Pfft are you kidding me? We are as cool as...umm....well..... help me out here :D
hey what was the vibration

THank you very much for the compliment. I greatly appreciate it.

and all new parents worry. whether its a chameleon, a dog, or an actual human baby.
the difference is that chameleons have specialized care..
trust me, I did the same thing..
my topics as a new cham mommy were things like..
my cham vibrated on my finger!
what is this on his back (he was starting to shed)
OMG black tipped tail! (it was a bruise)
and yes, the is it ok if he sleeps upside down...

mine did that once lol was it a little cham fart?
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