I hardly mess with him it was just that one time I changes things plus he needed a complete clean out. All I do is the daily routine of spot cleaning and trying to feed
So just an update on Trevor guys and there is still no change to his colour. He still isn't eating a lot either, 2-3 insects every 2-3 days which are either silkworms at 1.5-2" and large crixs. I'm going to get him to the vets I think. If it was parasites or something else could this cause the dark colours all the time?
Your cage has plenty of foliage - my panthers often prefer open spaces.
Your temp was too high, but now its fine.
so long as he is eating, and his body condition is good with his weight slowly going up, and if his poop/urate looks good (white) --stop worrying. They do go through periods of less appetite, especially in winter. You do not need to reduce feeding to every other day - a lower quantity (than when he was smaller) each day is also just fine.
I will see what his weight is as I have never put him on the scales so ill do it tonight and again in a few weeks. The free range idea is what I want to do but the misses won't have it lol.
You say your adults eat 2-4 adult dubia's but if and when he eats he isn't eating anywhere near the amout yours do. I know they are all different but if you went on roughly a adult dubia he is probably eating about 2/3rd of an adult every 2-3 days. I offer every day but isn't interested. It's go a lot colder here in the uk and it's brought his ambient down to about 68-70 unless the heating is on at night when we are home.
I can't seem to get the temps up anymore than that. I have 2 75w arcadia halogens on top. One is basking and the other is well away from any branch to try and get the temps up. I still think that has a massive part in his colour. He will bask for ages.
i know you have told me to stop worrying and im possibly overlooking things too much but i have been keeping a close eye on him. he will spend somewhat and hour or more at a time on the basking spot, move for a bit then back on for a similar time.
is 69-71 too cold for the ambient? i have no problem with the basking spot but the ambient is showing to me as being too low. he doesnt seem stressed just the colourings and basking spot behaviour etc.
im getting a 150w incandescent and going to lower the basking site so the bulb can be closer to the cage to help heat it better.
has anyone else struggles with the ambient temps and other than having higher watt bulbs? what other controlled methods of heating the cages are there?
Generally, at least in my opinion, there should be several different "ambient" temperatures. The farther away from the light it gets the cooler it should be, in the shadier areas it will be cooler too. But it's normal to have around 72 degrees as a general "ambient" temperature. The temps can drop around 62-65 degrees at night.
So Trevor appears to be looking a bit better. He still is dark the majority of the time but he has his moments. I'm just wondering if he is actually a red bar of is the red a sign of....p*ss of and leave me alone? He is more red than blue the majority of the time