still water??

this is not the nicest forum..........there are some jerks here ( jerks = lacking basic social skills ). I even warned her after her first post. i sent her this in a pm

"you are going to get a lot of advice here that people give you with good intentions."

i didnt want to say " you will get jerk responses" because i didnt want to influence how she took the responses but, yeah....

:) i so called it, come to think of it, i dont think she knows about private messaging.
Obviously you haven't been on any tortoises forums. I mean nice as they don't mean it in a mean way. And yes there might be some that are novices, but they usually are willing to admit it.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha this is halarious i cant stop laughing... oh dear, no sorry i didnt know about pm but i do now. and have filled reyesjoshuacruz inbox with bitchin' anyway my chameleon fell while i was sprayin the tank about 7 inches to the ground. she was at the vets for a week, she has lower back trauma. i cant let her climb for 6 to 8 weeks.
holly xx
Everyone in this forum has good intentions. Just because some people do not have the best social skills does not make them a jerk. Everyone here wants to help others give the best care to their animal. Don't take offense when someone corrects you. If you care about your pet you will take the advice to heart, not the tone.

I think if your cham fell 7 inches and has back issues due to the fall you might want to look into why she was so easily hurt. My cham Fred jumps from his pothos when he gets bored and will fall from as far as three feet. He has never hurt himself.

Some things you might want to look into are what you feed your cham? Do you supplement? A cham being hurt from such a low fall might have MBD. What kind of lighting do you provide for your cham?

You should remove the substrate from the cage. Just put some low branches or sticks for her to grasp that aren't more than an inch or two off the bottom of her cage. You should also provide different diameter sticks. She needs to work out her feet while she is in rehab.

And about the water, everyone is right about the bowl, it needs to be removed or covered(with screen). Just mist her cage for a good 5-8 minutes... she'll drink. and if she doesn't, provide a dripper everyday with fresh clean water. Have the water drip onto something that will attract her attention. I never ever see my chams drink. And they are not dehydrated at all. Fred even has a bulging casque.
i doesnt matter how far they fall, its how they land. she fell on to the bottom of her back in a wierd angle. she has previously fell further and didnt hurt herself. it doesnt matter if they fall 7 inches or 7 foot. it is how they land and what they land on to
I have seen my veiled drink from my homemade dripper before when I first got her and rigged it up. She went up, put her mouth to the hose, and started chomping, looking sort of like a deer at water. Pretty interesting to watch, but since I haven't seen her drink again. I also don't use the dripper very much anymore, since it's such a hastle to keep it filled, dripping, and standing upright since I don't have any sort of holster for it. I just keep my enclosure well misted with a pesticide sprayer from Lowe's. Works good, only 10 bucks too :)

i doesnt matter how far they fall, its how they land. she fell on to the bottom of her back in a wierd angle. she has previously fell further and didnt hurt herself. it doesnt matter if they fall 7 inches or 7 foot. it is how they land and what they land on to

Are you going to respond to the rest of my post?
Ok Ill start by saying that everyone on here is pretty darn nice and for the most part we all enjoy each other and respect opinions and advice from other people. Everyone on here just wants to help you. I can see how you took the first post as a little negative. You can kinda get an idea of someones personality through posts. Posts I have seen from cammienleo seem to be quite blunt and straight to the point which I find a good thing. No sense in beating around the bush. Although some people have different ways of communicating and you cant really know for sure the emotion that was put behind it because we are typing and not talking. I personally think you should take all the advice that has been givin to you and answer questions. Just because you came here in need of advice for one thing doesnt mean you dont need it for others too. Again we are all here as friends and most of all we are all here to learn and keep our chams the best way possible. I would suggest you fill this out and answer it to the best of your ability. There are some things you need to correct and filling this out and posting it will help people help you and your cham. I hope you fill this out and take everyones advice. Good luck on getting your girl back to tip top shape.
leela-I tried to go back through your posts and didn't see it-but I may have missed it. What are you using for UVB and supplements?
leela...I'm sorry your chameleon is injured. I hope it will be okay.

I know you said that your chameleon isn't allowed to climb right now...however, it still needs to be close enough to the UVB that it can get the good of it. Do you have a way to put the light closer but in such a way that it can't get hurt by it? Perhaps a lower cage or a rubbermaid container that you could put your chameleon in and rest the light on top of (without the lid on the container, of course)?

Also, are you dusting the insects with a phos.-free calcium powder at most feedings? Gutloading your insects? With what?

I see no reason why you couldn't use a shallow dish or a lid (perhaps off a peanut butter jar) for a water dish until your chameleon is better since you said it drinks from a dish readily. Just be sure to clean it out every day, of course.

BTW...what brand and type (compact or linear/tube) UVB light are you using?

Its also important that your chameleon still be able to be warm enough to digest its food to help it heal.

Good luck!
I know that some people kneejerk about certain things around here
and that there's differences of opinion on different issues that come up.

I've always had doubts about misting anything above a 2 month old hatchling
All of my animals get all their water without resorting to spraying.
We all know that they don't like getting sprayed or showered for that matter.
IMO it's source of stress that often goes unmentioned when the solution is giving the poor things water.

Anyway you don't want your animal drinking from the drip catcher due to thirst
it's just asking for problems and I'm sorry that you're experiencing them.

It's just that too many people seem to think that you shouldn't or cant
have an animal drink from anything other than a dewey leaf... that's simply not my experience.

see one of my veilds getting his morning drink

Please note: This is NOT an advertisement for a product... :D
when I go against the grain of popular opinion - I try use some humor.
It's a joke son!...a JOKE... you know...humor!!!
I know that some people kneejerk about certain things around here
and that there's differences of opinion on different issues that come up.

I've always had doubts about misting anything above a 2 month old hatchling
All of my animals get all their water without resorting to spraying.
We all know that they don't like getting sprayed or showered for that matter.
IMO it's source of stress that often goes unmentioned when the solution is giving the poor things water.

Anyway you don't want your animal drinking from the drip catcher due to thirst
it's just asking for problems and I'm sorry that you're experiencing them.

It's just that too many people seem to think that you shouldn't or cant
have an animal drink from anything other than a dewey leaf... that's simply not my experience.

see one of my veilds getting his morning drink

Please note: This is NOT an advertisement for a product... :D
when I go against the grain of popular opinion - I try use some humor.
It's a joke son!...a JOKE... you know...humor!!!

WOW:eek: that is pretty sweet! Nice pic too.
wow sorry cool picture, to be honest all animals drink from bowls. i no loadz of people on HERE that let their chameleons drink from a bowl. i dont see the problem and nor do they so thank u to those people who have supported me in this.

the vet said it was how she fell that hurt her.
im a bit worried about her achually she doesnt seem to be eating or drinking or doing anything on her own. also she hasnt pooed in 2 weeks. i have to make her hiss at me and chuck a cricket or locus in her mouth. the grip in her feet are getting better, but she is still not using her legs.
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