Strange crater like spots


New Member
My panther has some really strange looking crater like spots on his skin.
First there was one and now there´s others also. They are not cricket bites because i don´t keep food animals loose in the terrarium.
He seems to be ok and eats normally and the spots do not seem to bother him.

Have you got any ideas what they might be?

You should that checked out by a vet.

Ferritinmyshoes, a vet here on the forum, battled a similar looking growth on a cham a while back:

Read through this post - not to scare you, but to see if those growths look similar to what your cham has. You might print it out and take it with you to the vet, particularly the lab results and diagnostics done for the vet's info.
These seems to be different, because my cham´s "bumps" are hard. Not soft like those on the other thread.
Some update.
The spots were bacterial infection, so we got antibiotics and some drops that i need to apply straight to those spots.

It seemed that the spots were getting better but suddenly again they started to increase. So went to the vets.
Hope the medicine works :)
I've been wanting to start a thread like this because my guy has the same thing, they look like little scabby spots. Definetly not cricket bites or anything. Please keep us posted on what the vet says. Looks like that's where I'll be headed next.
Well all there´s to do now is to give the antibiotics and i also have to put some antibiotic cream to the spots. Hope this will work.
Vet said this is quite common problem in chameleons.
What antibiotics and cream did the vet give you? My guy is suffering from the same spots and they seem to be spreading. The vet i use is talking about surgery to remove them but i think this isn't the best route. Im hoping this thread might shed some light on it more as i can't find anything about it anywhere.

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