Strange hemipenis size


So 2 months back miyagi passed some rather large sperm plugs that had me concerned. About a day after he passed them I noticed his hemipenis seemed larger... almost swollen. It doesn't appear infected, and it doesn't seem to bother and/or hurt him if I rub it gently. While the picture below may make him look young, Miyagi will be a year old in April. I have heard that typically when they reach an age of sexual maturation, the base of their tail will grow thicker. Now this may sound like a bit of a wild guess, but could it possibly be that his hemipenis has matured, but the rest of him hasn't? Below is a picture of the area in question:
2016-02-02 20.45.45.jpg
Alright, I'll try my best to arrange a vet visit. Might have to wait til next month, I hope he stays about the same until then. Also, I have been lead to believe it has something to do with impaction or constipation. A few days ago he had a MASSIVE BM that I couldn't even believe came out of him. Its been stuck to his pothos, so I can try getting a picture if anyone feels the need to see it. Since this large mass of waste was passed, the swelling has gone down significantly, but its still there.
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