Established Member
I'm struggling to regulate my panther's humidity and it feels like I'm fighting an uphill battle! When I first got him, I was misting 3 times a day (noonish, 9pm, and 5am. I work second and 3rd shift). Im hand misting with a small bottle from Petco, not sure the exact volume of water. I noticed that the humidity was dropping down to 40% between mistings. I tried to fix this by adding shower curtain on 3 sides. This didn't seem to make any difference at all. Then I read that misting him after lights out was not good, (lights are on from 9am-9pm) so I cut out just the 5am. I didn't see a difference in the drop but I worried this wasn't enough, so I doubled the amount I was spraying each time. Today when I went to spray at 9pm it was at 30%! I'm saving up for an automatic mister but what do I do in the meantime?