the only thing ive found that Stanley is afraid of is things flying overhead,, weither it be a hummingbird or a 747.... he's hunkering down and watching it closely!!
My veiled tolerates some handling without any indication of stress but as soon as he he climbs up to my ear he just loses it and starts hissing right in it and puffing up like mad. Would actually be rather unnerving if it wasnt so funny lol!
My female veiled is afraid of my wife, but only since she has became pregnant the wife not the veiled. She use to like the wife, every time she would walk by she would want her to take her out of the cage, but now she just sees her and gets really dark and puffs of and hisses at her. Its so funny to watch when she tries to get her out.
I used to water everyone with one of those coiled hose wand sprayers for hanging plants. The hose ran from my bathroom into the cham room. The melleri would flip out and threaten the hose if I left it on the floor for more than a few minutes. Must have thought it was a snake. And they would keep threatening it until it went away. It was such a hassle coiling the darned thing up every time I used it that I went back to hand spraying. Those melleri trained me QUICK!
One of mine, who has since passed away, absolutely HATED my guinea pigs. It was one of only two things that ever made him fire up. If he saw a guinea pig he would run for his life or fire up as fight them (they seemed to think he was a friend and wanted to hang out andd get closer.) The other was a mirror/shiny metal chameleon ornament that was hanging near a free range set up as a breeder's house.