strawberry pots for plants?


New Member
ok so i have been thinking of a better way to plant my plants.
i have a viney something(it is on the ok list) but it gets soooo much water(its under my dripper) that it really doesn't have enough time to dry off.
so i was thinking maybe i could plant it in a strawberry planter you know the kind with the holes all around. i was thinking that maybe then i would have at least a chance to dry a bit more(have more open space for air to get to it).
what do you guys think,good/bad idea??
first of all your not suppose to have your pothos under your dripper, your suppose to have a water catch, so you don't promote wet bacteria ground

and i believe you are talking about a net cup,

i would turn this upside down and place my pothos plant on top of it, so its above the ground and gets oxygen from all sides

and get your dripper off it !
maybe i said it wrong.
i have my dripper on top of my enclosure,under that is my pothos,which is wet and it drips(even with a pot bottom on it). the plant under it(also a vine of some sort) is the one i want to put in the strawberry containers(the ones with the holes all in it).
nothing is soaking wet,it is cleaned up nightly. i just wanted to know if that post might be a good idea?
first of all your not suppose to have your pothos under your dripper, your suppose to have a water catch, so you don't promote wet bacteria ground

and i believe you are talking about a net cup,

i would turn this upside down and place my pothos plant on top of it, so its above the ground and gets oxygen from all sides

and get your dripper off it !

I'm doing the same thing right now. I have my dripper drip onto a leaf which makes a cascade drip on the leaves under it. Glad you said that.
a strawberry planter might make a diffrence, but soil can soak up a lot of water, and any that comes into contact with it will get soaked up. and since there would be a lot more holse, there would be a lot more places that the water can get to the soil, and the chals will probably just pull out all the soil while there climbing on it.

i would put a tray at the bottom were the plant is, stopping any water from being absorbed from underneath.

if you use a strawberry planter there are plastic and clay ones:

clay one will let water will seep through the clay/terrocotta and evaporate, but will stay damp and can absorb a lot of water through the actual surface, and get moss and growing on it after a while.
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