Stuck shed in eye turret?

Xeyana S

New Member
My friend wanted me to post this for her. I will be sending her screenshots of the comments and having her reply through my account. Here is her post:

Hi, lately I have noticed a small bump on my female chameleon's eye. I have read that it's stuck shed in the turret. Her eyes will also occasionally swell up, I'm not 100% sure what that is, but i read it could possibly be an eye infecton. I have increased misting and am giving her showers.
My question was about Saline Eye Drops. Would they help her situation? And say that I was wrong and she doesn't have an eye infecton, would the eye drops hurt her?
I'm trying to do everything i can to stop the swelling from coming back & to get rid of the bump. There's only 1 reptile vet near me, so a visit would be pretty expensive. If she's not better after treatments, she will of course see a vet.
Any advice would be helpful :)


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Looks like he may have a little shed or dirt or bacteria gunk in it. I would 1st try extra mistings and warm showers for a few days to get him to clean them himself. If that dose not work or if it seems to be getting worse you could try squirting Saline solution (I used this ) in it with a squirt bottle the turret will fill up like a balloon if you hit it right this forces him to close and clean the eye and hopefully what ever is in there will come out if not repeat til it does. Once you get what ever out the turret will look deflated for a day or so but will go back to normal. I also applied one drop of Zoo Med Turtle drops ( )in each eye afterwards. Regular showers once a week or heavy mistings a few times a week cause your cham to clean out the eyes themselves and get out anything that doesn't belong wich is the best. I also use the turtle drops once a month one drop in each eye to help keep them clean and gives vit A. hope this helps.
The drops will not hurt the eye. The Saline will help. The swelling will keep coming back til whatever is in the eye is out.
The only type of Saline drops were for contact lenses. So i ended up getting this kind, Sterile Soothing Eye Wash, Eye irrigating solution. Will it work?
The ingredients- A sterile, buffered, isotonic aqueous solution that contains purified water, boric acid, sodium borate and sodium chloride; preserved with edetate disodium and sorbic acid
these are the ingredients safe for cham eyes-CONTENTS: Sensitive Eyes Plus Saline Solution is a sterile, isotonic, buffered solution that contains boric acid, sodium borate, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, preserved with polyaminopropyl biguanide (0.00003%) and edetate disodium (0.025%).
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