stupid chameleon?


New Member
i got a ambanja boy from the Kammers and he has been doing quite well since I've gotten him. he eats, drinks, poops, crawls and does everything that a normal chameleon would except for one thing... he likes to crawl to the top of the cage and once he gets there he will chill for a little bit but then just lets go....i know it sounds like he is sick but he is really active and everything is normal.... is there any way to just have a stupid chameleon? or is he just exploring what he can and cannot do right now? anyone have this type of problem with there baby chameleons?:confused:
reason i asked is i recalled other threads with same problem cham going to top and letting go, i belive it was a supplement issue was givingn to much of one thing but it its repashy calcium plus thne you should be alright, as for why your cham is doing it you will have to wait for a senior nenber to weigh in i cant really help u with the reasoning behind it
yeah i think he is probably fine. i asked the kammers what they thought and they said he is probably exploring his boundaries or something like that I'm really not that worried I'm just going to put a towel down so he docent hurt himself...
They do this in the wild all the time. When they move from tree to tree, and its out of reach, they fall and catch them selves with their tail. I was shocked when I read it also. Mine did the the first day I got him. I then made sure that everything in the cage had at least one point where it connects so he can traverse the entire enclosure with out having to drop like that. I'll locate the book that I found this in and link it if it helps.
Some just seem to enjoy hanging out on the ceiling. It's possible that your basking temps might be a degree or two cool so he's going there for extra warmth, but it's just as possible he just likes to do it.

I think "stunt climbing" is probably part of their grand plan to freak us out.
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