New Member
Hello all, I am sad to inform you that my adult male Jackson's chameleon is not doing so well. There have been no changes in his husbandry and no changes in behavior up until last night, so this is coming to me as a bit of a shock.
Anyway, here is what has happened:
Last night (~10pm after lights out) I noticed he was half-hanging onto his usual sleeping branch. I didn't want to disturb his slumber and throw him into a panic, so I did regular checks on him afterwards. My last check before bed (~2am) I saw that he had actually fallen a ways down, probably about a foot and a half, and caught him self with his tail and back legs. Sound asleep. I started to worry and placed many towels on the bottom of the 5' screen enclosure I made for him. If he did fall, it wouldn't be terrible. I broke the golden rule and I helped him back onto a branch. He barely woke up but he grabbed the branch and I went to sleep.
I woke up at 8am (lights-on are at 7:30am) and found him still in the same place, only half hanging on, still asleep.
I took him into the bathroom for a shower to see how he would react to it. He was overall weak, almost as if his limbs were not agreeing with his brain. Somewhat stumbling over things. Half of the time awake, half of the time asleep. Did not drink, was in the shower for 20 minutes. Did not clean eyes, but did a lot of blinking/squinting. After the shower I gave him a little bit of Repti-boost while he was awake.
Pictured below is the set-up I have him in now, and his normal set-up. He is looking normal, but acting weird. Eyes do not indicate that he is dehydrated. The set-up on the left I believe is an old 18x18x24(?) exo-terra with front and top ventilation. He will wake up for minutes at a time, but mostly he has been sleeping in it. I have been keeping the humidity up, monitoring temperatures digitally to make sure it does not become a sauna, and I check on him every 15-20 minutes.
The bottom of the enclosure has a heavy towel in case he falls over and a live pothos.
What more can I do for him to be comfortable?
I hate to be the one giving excuses, especially for my boy, but today has been a bad day. My normal veterinarian hospital is closed due to the show-in we have going on right now, and I am afraid I cannot get my car out of the driveway anyway.
Max has been with me since early April of 2011, and when I purchased him, he was just about an adult. From what I gather, he could be any age between 3-4 years old. Is this how an old chameleon passes away?
Anyway, here is what has happened:
Last night (~10pm after lights out) I noticed he was half-hanging onto his usual sleeping branch. I didn't want to disturb his slumber and throw him into a panic, so I did regular checks on him afterwards. My last check before bed (~2am) I saw that he had actually fallen a ways down, probably about a foot and a half, and caught him self with his tail and back legs. Sound asleep. I started to worry and placed many towels on the bottom of the 5' screen enclosure I made for him. If he did fall, it wouldn't be terrible. I broke the golden rule and I helped him back onto a branch. He barely woke up but he grabbed the branch and I went to sleep.
I woke up at 8am (lights-on are at 7:30am) and found him still in the same place, only half hanging on, still asleep.
I took him into the bathroom for a shower to see how he would react to it. He was overall weak, almost as if his limbs were not agreeing with his brain. Somewhat stumbling over things. Half of the time awake, half of the time asleep. Did not drink, was in the shower for 20 minutes. Did not clean eyes, but did a lot of blinking/squinting. After the shower I gave him a little bit of Repti-boost while he was awake.
Pictured below is the set-up I have him in now, and his normal set-up. He is looking normal, but acting weird. Eyes do not indicate that he is dehydrated. The set-up on the left I believe is an old 18x18x24(?) exo-terra with front and top ventilation. He will wake up for minutes at a time, but mostly he has been sleeping in it. I have been keeping the humidity up, monitoring temperatures digitally to make sure it does not become a sauna, and I check on him every 15-20 minutes.
The bottom of the enclosure has a heavy towel in case he falls over and a live pothos.
What more can I do for him to be comfortable?
I hate to be the one giving excuses, especially for my boy, but today has been a bad day. My normal veterinarian hospital is closed due to the show-in we have going on right now, and I am afraid I cannot get my car out of the driveway anyway.
Max has been with me since early April of 2011, and when I purchased him, he was just about an adult. From what I gather, he could be any age between 3-4 years old. Is this how an old chameleon passes away?