sudden tongue isssue


New Member
this morning when i woke up, i went to go feed and spray all my reptiles and when I was feeding my new 4 month old panther, he started chasing the tickets, grabbing them with only like 2 inches of his tongue... and if he tried to aim at them from far away, he would frequently miss. this has been going on for todays feeding and yestarday, when i fed him a few in the afternoon. I don't know if this is becoming an issue, but what do you guys think? He doesn't have anything sharp in his cage, and he appears healthy overalll. very active. He is still hungry but doesn't seem to want to chase the crickets if they are too far away. is this something I should worry about? I've never had this issue before. I dust with repashy calcium plus one to twice a week and i use calcium without d3 almost every feeding.
My male veiled had a tongue aiming issue as well.

I started using the repashy all in one on every feeding, and after 2 months it went away, and hes had great aim ever since.
I have repashy calcium plus. Is that the same? I was told it had everything in it but if this isn't the all in one then let me know and I will get it. And yes I have pics of him, I saw him drinking off the leaves and screen today with his tongue. I don't feel like posting pics of him because I have a thread with his pics in it but I'll post the link
i do use it then. maybe im not giving him enough. its weird though, because the other day in the morning, he had perfect aim and even ate for my grandma (she loves watching them all eat) but today and half of yestarday, it seems like he cant extend it fully. he like runs up to the crickets, and gets them. never did this before so i AM a little worried. but i guess time will just tell. ill post an update later on today or this week. in the mean time, if anyone has any suggestions then let me know. thanks for everyones time !
Its possible he injured his tongue, and now it hurts.

but keep an eye on him, and mayhbe give the repashy more often, and see how he does.
so today he started extending it more. still didn't extend it all the way like he used to though.... he has to have the cricket like right next to him to eat it or else he will ignore it. but his tongue does look normal and drinks water off the leaves fine. so maybe its just sore or bruised (if possible) from hitting something in the cage (literally all i have in the cage is vines, pothos, and umbrella plant. the enclousure is reptibreeze 2 by 2 by 4
Im getting really frustrated with this guy. the tongue issue is not getting any better. He is hungry but his tongue is not long enough or sticky enough to get the crickets... this happened suddenly like 4 days ago. he had a 10 inch tongue but now it barely extends so i think he over extended it or hurt it but i just don't know what to do. he won't cup feed.. all he wants to eat is crickets. doesnt even want the hornworms. any suggestions? He is hungry, but can't eat well. he only eats a few a day, i try and hand feed him but hes extremely shy. he just turned 5 months today.
im worried that he could loose his tongue or something and more importantly, im worried because hes just a baby and needs to be eating alot to grow
If you end up feeling like you need to see a vet, I've had to bunch of recommendations that Nichole Zellner is great. I've not been to see her yet, but I would think its a worthy trip across the bay for you. You may also want to fill out the "how to ask for help" questionnaire on a new thread that you could start and see if anyone around here has some additional advice for you.

Avian and Animal Hospital
11405 Starkey Road
Largo, FL 33773

(727) 398-1928
my veild

Hi all my male veild has eifther become a lazy eater or has a toung problem he is eating and drinking but will only take food when offored from our hands and at very close range any help will be gratefully received thanks
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