sun burn or shedding?


I have a 50 watt sun bulb and 2 12" 5.0 UVB at the top of her cage, Her back is maybe 6-7" from the top of the cage plus the 2-3 inches the bulb is retracted into the dome fixture. Her color seem quite dull lately and quite whitish. The temperature right at the top of the branch so an inch lower then where her back would be is at 84 degrees fahrenheit
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She is about to shed. If it were thermal burns, there would be no question. Just for future reference in case you get worried about this again, thermal burns appear as patches of affected area. These areas are usually prominent on the dorsal area, head and top of legs. When the whole body shows the opaque look, you can tell she is about to shed.
Spray her down with water. When a chameleon has normal healthy skin the water beads up like a car that has been recently waxed. If her skin is shiny and wet looking it has begun to separate from the new shin underneath and she's going to shed soon.
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