Sunken Eyes?

Hello all, I wanted someone's opinion if my Veiled's eyes look sunken. He has always drank fine straight from a dripper in the past, however there's been an issue for the past few days with the dripper stopping after I leave for work. I have replaced it now, but I was wondering if he looked particularity dehydrated. Thanks in advance, and also let me know if I need a different picture. IMG_0537 (1).JPG IMG_0539.JPG
Thanks everyone for the responses. I did forget to mention that his urates have been normal, aside from one day when it was tinged orange on the end. Then the days following it went back to normal.
And yes, I want a misting system very badly but it hasn't been in the cards for me as life keeps throwing stuff at me. So, I've been hand misting heavily...though I know nothing beats an automatic mister. Though the funny thing is, I've never once seen him drink water droplets from leaves or elsewhere - only by putting his month against the dripper and letting it fall in. Also, I actually didn't know about checking the mouth. I might do that in the morning to be on the safe side.
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