Sunny day, what's lowest temp to take outside?

Their natural habitat is in the 50's for several months out of the year, if you are talking a panther cham.
you have Veiled's I see, so not sure about 50's for them as they don't come from Madagascar. I am sure someone can chime in here that has a Veiled.
I live in Sacramento, my guys have been outside the last few days (a veild, panthers, melleri). I take them out until it drops below the 60's, in direct sunshine the cages get real warm.

It does get real dry here this time of year so just make sure you monitor the humidity and of course have water available.
I don't think i will be taking my meller out anytime soon here, we have about 3 inches of ewwww snow
I don't think i will be taking my meller out anytime soon here, we have about 3 inches of ewwww snow

I am about 30 miles south of Canada in Montana and we are having a blizzard here right now.:(:( We will be down to zero by the end of the week.
My rule of thumb has always been if I can comfortably sit still without a jacket, I can take the chams out. Realistically, they're at 64 in my house, when they wander away from their lights, and 60 at night (no supplemental night heating) and they do fine. Toss in some genuine UV-B fresh from the sun, and there's no reason they can't be out in the 50's (I have a panther and a veiled, and have had a Jackson's).
WoW! And all this time I was worried at how cold it gets. So, theoretically, I can take the chams out during a lull of snow storms as long as it is getting above 50F and I'm not letting them build snowbugs?
WoW! And all this time I was worried at how cold it gets. So, theoretically, I can take the chams out during a lull of snow storms as long as it is getting above 50F and I'm not letting them build snowbugs?
Keep 'em in the sun, stay with them (you can see if they're getting cold; or feel if you're getting too cold) and go for it. I wouldn't put them outside in a cage for hours and go back in in the colder weather - we're usually not out longer than 20-30 minutes when it's cool - but I've had a cham outside in a warm spell in Michigan in February.
It's actually highly recommended that chameleons get some natural sunshine several times a week during winter, as it keeps them from getting the "winter blues," so to speak. It keeps them healthier in the long run. So even if it's for 20-30 mins, the benefits are worth it :)
Howdy Nate,

A few years ago I did a little bit of experimenting with outside temps vs. chameleon body temps. On a clear, sunny day with no wind, my chameleons had a skin/body temp 20F above the air temp. So if the air temp was 60F, their body temp was 80F. Where you have to be a bit careful is if the air temp is 80F+, their body temp will be 100F+ :eek:
For my veiled I only bring him out if the air temp is in the 60's+ and only if the sun is warm enough to stand outside without a shirt on since that what your cham is doing, if you have something dark in color you usually can gauge how warm the radiance of the sun will get. Its probly best not to be a risk taker on this one.
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