super worm addiction

for the last 3 months one of my veiled chameleons got addicted to super worms and wont touch crickets
is there any worry s i should have and how to regain his interest in other insects advise would be greatly
appreciated :)
Super worms are ok feeders but he needs a variety of well gutloaded feeders. Try some silkworms, butterworms, hornworms, flies roaches and moths. Veileds also eat greens, veggies and fruit.

How often are you offering food? My adults I only feed 3 days a week.
I'm in the same boat, sort of. I got so enthralled with my panther enthusiastically hand feeding supers from my hand, I didn't notice how many I was giving him and he's been hooked ever since. Fortunately, he will eat other worms like hornworms, silk worms, and phoenix worms, so I do try to rotate those in whenever I can get my hands on them. When I get my next chameleon, I will definitely be limiting the use of super worms.

Only advice I can give you is what I'm doing and that's to just make sure you give your supers as good a gut load as you can, change it up once a week or so and make sure you're dusting them.

My guy's over a year old so I feed him every other day. Jann, do you think that's too much and I should space it out more? I notice that he doesn't finish his supers every day...sometimes 4-5 or so he'll take from the feeder cup.
My cham won't eat crickets anymore. The people I got him from only fed him meal worms and the occasional cricket. After a hunger strike I enticed him to eat again with waxworms and phoenix worms. Now, that's all he'll eat. He won't even eat the meal worms anymore.
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