Super worms


New Member
hi all,
just thought i'd share my latest news on "Lizzies" favourite food.
From the first day we got Lizzie (Yemen) she has been a picky eater and would often have a hunger strike even though i tried lots of different foods,crickets, meal worms, locust, and each of these were rejected at some point. I recently saw these large feeders "superworms" and thought i would give them a try, BRILLIANT, she devours them and cant get to the cup fast enough and they dont smell!!!
I read that you cant gut load them but i found if you put them in a cup with fruit, salad or veg they will quite happily fill themselves ready for Lizzie.
I feed these as her main food and still give her salad (by hand) wax worms as a treat and free range moths and grass hoppers from the garden so she has a varied diet.
I have found that super worms are easy to keep and they only need a piece of potato place on top of the dry mix to give them moisture for drinking.
Has anyone else started to use these instead of cickets yet?
I am up tp using Supers 75% of the time, throwing in crickets, roaches, and the ocassional Silk or Hornworm. You can certainly gutload them, and nicely gutloaded Supers are plump and juicy. Supers are easy to keep, don't smell, and don't escape. And they are $14/1000 AT Lazy H Bait.
Be aware that supers have a very high fat content. Even when well gutloaded, I personally feel teh fat content makes them a less than ideal as a staple (then again, I also think one should always look for variety and not have anything be a staple).

Supers are however quite easy to keep.

Waxworms are a terrible feeder choice, because they too are very fatty, plus difficult to gutload.
Keeping Superworms.

Whats the best way to house supers.

They come in a layer of crushed cerial (looks like weetabix) which is bedding and their food, I place them in a plastic container (bait box) with air holes in the lid and this is stored in the cupboard beneath the vivarium.
So far 0 deaths and no smells.
You say that you can not gut load these worm. If these are moro worm, you can gut load them easily.
You say that you can not gut load these worm. If these are moro worm, you can gut load them easily.
These are Moro worms and if you read the whole sentence you will see that it was an article i read but that i do gut load quite easily.
Be aware that supers have a very high fat content. Even when well gutloaded, I personally feel teh fat content makes them a less than ideal as a staple (then again, I also think one should always look for variety and not have anything be a staple).

Supers are however quite easy to keep.

Waxworms are a terrible feeder choice, because they too are very fatty, plus difficult to gutload.

I agree with Sandra. Supers are high in fat and I only use them once a week after I weigh my guys to see if they can have one. I do gut load them with the exact same things that I gut load my crickets with......dry gut load such as Cricket Crack mixed in with their bedding at all times along with collard greens, butternut squash, kale, carrot and apple.
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