I can honest say that i probably start with the most challenging one.
Velied cham. Female. Of course all wrong information was given on the pet store.
Wrong enclousure. No info about eggs or substract or handling.
Fiest 2 weeks i thought Lizzy would not make it.. so after a lot of research tons of money on new enclousure and plants i can say she is growing fast and happy.
Second was a crested gecko.. just because i need to put in use the "tinny" 45x45x60 that i get forstly for the cham.. so before i did a bit of research make a nice bioactive thing for the little popcorn. No issues. Just a UVB light there. Room temp as long dont drop under 20c (celsius not Fahrenheit), easy food paste. Check on humitidy.. easy..
Thennn child dream kick in. And i get a snake. By far the easiest one, as long u have a enclousure properly set up, and dont mind feed dead mice. All ok.. and is the easiest to handle.. my crested i could handle only few times. I cant keep him still for more than 30 seconds before he try to jump... Lizzy the cham. Well is there on the enclousure and i only try to handle her like 3 times in 2 months.. put she is pretty ok, dont mind me handling food or get my hand in the enclousure.. the snake. She couldnt care less if i and handling her, and i just need to feed him once a week.. so all in all. All of them are rewarding. Built the trust with Lizzy, try to find popcorn in his home or handling Caramel with the kids.
Velied cham. Female. Of course all wrong information was given on the pet store.
Wrong enclousure. No info about eggs or substract or handling.
Fiest 2 weeks i thought Lizzy would not make it.. so after a lot of research tons of money on new enclousure and plants i can say she is growing fast and happy.
Second was a crested gecko.. just because i need to put in use the "tinny" 45x45x60 that i get forstly for the cham.. so before i did a bit of research make a nice bioactive thing for the little popcorn. No issues. Just a UVB light there. Room temp as long dont drop under 20c (celsius not Fahrenheit), easy food paste. Check on humitidy.. easy..
Thennn child dream kick in. And i get a snake. By far the easiest one, as long u have a enclousure properly set up, and dont mind feed dead mice. All ok.. and is the easiest to handle.. my crested i could handle only few times. I cant keep him still for more than 30 seconds before he try to jump... Lizzy the cham. Well is there on the enclousure and i only try to handle her like 3 times in 2 months.. put she is pretty ok, dont mind me handling food or get my hand in the enclousure.. the snake. She couldnt care less if i and handling her, and i just need to feed him once a week.. so all in all. All of them are rewarding. Built the trust with Lizzy, try to find popcorn in his home or handling Caramel with the kids.
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