superworm breeding


New Member
My only question is the reasons for seperation. The organizers I have purchased are very clear and allow perfect view of thier neighbors. I noticed other methods (film canisters, cups, tackle boxes) dont allow viewing of other worms. Is this an issue? Is it neccessary for me to somehow blackout the deviders?
I use the little side cups you would get salsa in from a cafeteria. They do not have holes in the lids and every generation of mine have done fine. Easiest thing in the world to breed once you get them going. Plus nearly every cham I have goes nuts for the freshly molted beetles. good luck with them.

My containers are opaque so it isn't a problem for me. I don't know if it is seeing each other as much as the constant contact of other worms that stops them from pupating while together. Seeing each other may be a problem since the reason they don't pupate is due to high cannibalism rates when house in large numbers. Just put non clear tape wherever they can see each other if they do not begin to curl and pupate within a week.
Thank you for your input. Do you think being able to see one another will offset their pupating?

I can confirm it doesnt matter. I have used little glass bottles and transparent plastic cups, stacked side by side and ontop of each other, and they've been just as effective as dark /opaque containers.
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