Superworm Breeding


New Member
I get tired of buying them. My cricket farming in my 6 - 40 gal totes is in full swing. Produces more than enough for my chams and fish. But there is just something about that look in my chams eyes or the rapid bites they take when turning a big juicy superworm to mush that makes me want to breed them. I've googled it and it doesnt seem to difficult. I just want to find a place that has film canisters or a suitable isolation chamber for them to pupate. My questions are what supplies do you use. Does anyone has a favorite bedding recipe? Any helpful tips?

Hopefully it will be as easy as cricket breeding. I found on 15 film canisters for 7.95. I'll be going to walmart today to see if there are any in the waste can next to the photo drop off. LOL
If you dont find the film canisters at walmart head over to the fishing section. The fishing tackle boxes with the dividers are what I used, and worked perfectly. You can even get them in different sizes.

From personal experience I have only breed supers once, and just recently. It took me longer than expect a couple of months at room temp, but I do have some baby worms in the container now.
I love breeding supers. They are the easiest feeder to breed. Here is my operation in a nut shell.

Get the biggest worms I have, Put them in the tackle box mentioned above after I put tiny breathing holes in the top. Stick it in the closet.

As beetles occur move them to a plastic shoebox about 10 x 16 and 6 tall. I use wheat bran substrate, put egg crate pieces on top, feed like I do crickets.

It will take forever to see baby supers - Don't do what I did the first time and toss it all because it was yucky and move them to clean substrate, you just tossed worms so small you only know they are there hem you see slight movement.

When you see small worms, I put them in another tub of substrate & return the original back to the beetles.

That is all there is. Good luck. PM me if you have question
Wow. Thanks everybody. Well I guess next time I go to a pet store ugh. I will pick up around 35 to try out and see what I can get done. Not to sway too far from topic but my adult breeder cricket box had a larger number of deaths in it around 15. Im hoping I didnt pick up the cricket virus on some egg shell crates I ordered from a online breeder.
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