Superworm housing?


Chameleon Enthusiast
i was just wondering what you all keep your superoworms in? I get them in a container from the local pet store (25-30) and they say to just keep them in there. i have been gutloading them also, with kale, romaine, carrots etc but there is not much room in those containers. Any suggestions on a better way to house them? If you put them in a larger container then what about the stuff they come in that looks like oatmeal, it does not seem like there would be enough for them to hide then. Thanks!
Any sort of tub will work. If you have a small amount then go down to your local HD or target and get a plastic shoe box, that should set you back a whole 99cents.
Based on what Clay Ghann uses I bought wheat bran it keep my worms in. They are in double shoebox size plastic containers. I gut load same as crickets but no crack.
Howdy Carol,

Someday you may have the fun of a grain mite explosion in your Superworm bin :(. It's no big deal if you have a soapy water moat for them to drown in :eek:. If you don't have a moat then you may have thousands of mites spreading out overnight throughout tables and cabinets.

OMG! With every feeder you learn something new!! I love my cham but sometimes I am like man...what did I get myself into!!!!! I loved my tortoise who ate veggies and fruit, that was so simple!!!!! but thanks all for the info.
I raise mealworms and supers for my other reptiles. Any tub will work, but just make sure it's ventilated. You don't want humidity to build up, that can cause mold. My colony only gets carrots and the rare apple for the beetles. Their bedding is a 2:1 mix of Pro Gutload and wheat bran.

I wouldn't at all be afraid of grain mites if you're just purchasing them from the store. I'd be devistated to find them in my colonies. Honestly though, I'm more concerned about mold.
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