Superworms and Repti-calcium


I have been pouring a small amount of Repti calcium into my superworm plastic container 70ct bought at Petco. Does anyone else do this? Do you find that it works better than just dusting?
Straight calcium isn't good for insects to be eating and superworms tend to choke on dust. There's probably not going to enough on them by the time you feed for it to be worth it either. Just dust before hand. Also superworms shouldn't be fed often, they should be kept in a bedding that they can eat and this would rub the calcium off of them. Idk how you're keeping yours, but this would never work for how I keep my superworms.
I don't breed them. I am talking about the small Tupperware container that I buy them in/from Petco I believe it's a bran meal?
I don't breed either, I keep them in a plastic bin with bug buffet, oatmeal, and organic bran mixed up. This would make it difficuot/impossible to keep them dusted in.
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