

New Member
I bought some superworms last night so as to vary my 3 month old panther's diet. I removed them not long after i put them in a container in the cage-they just seem to be too big and aggressive for a young panther. Am I correct in this? Was it a mistake to get superworms? (Can't help it-I'm grossed out with them. Wouldn't break my heart not to ever buy them again.)
I'm a newbie and apologize for my not knowing. Thanks!
Superworms are good feeders for chams to add to crickets and dubia. For a 3 month old they would need to be VERY small. For now try some small silkworms. They are excellent feeders.
I removed them not long after i put them in a container in the cage-they just seem to be too big and aggressive for a young panther. Am I correct in this?

Yes. Superworms are normally sold at adult worm size. You can request mini's or small
superworms sometimes. That would be okay to feed a 3 month old. But depending on how many you bought, they would most likely grow too big over a month or two to feed to your panther until he or she reaches 6 + months of age.
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Supers last a very long time. Put them in a container with some bran and oats, once or twice a week toss a slice of apple, chunck of carrot or hunk of potatoe on top of the bran (provides moisture). Your chameleon will enjoy eating the adult size supers when your chameleon is around 10 months old.
I started my cham on supers at about 7 months old and thats when he decided he didn't like crickets anymore!!! Also use some fresh greens (kale, romaine, collards etc) as gutload also for the supers, just as you would the crickets.
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