
How often you use each product should depend on what you are feeding the chameleon, how often its outside, etc. There is no single schedule that fits all situations. You have to think about it :)

EDITED (just realized you have two rep cal products) use the sticky tongues product without vitamins the most, and the rep-cal with d3 (pink) a couple times a month. and the repcal herptivite roughly twice a month. - adjusted according to your prey choice and how you gutload.
more info on supplements:
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Feeding him every day right now. Trying to fatten him up. In a week I'll be on a every other day schedule. 6-8 crickets a day. Next to a window all day long. :)
UVB doesnt pass though glass, so being near the window doesnt help any
are you only offering crickets? what do you feed the crickets (and the other prey choices)?
You do have a uvb light besides having him by the window right? As you may or may not know, the uvb rays will not penetrate the glass. He may enjoy warming up in front of the window but he will not be getting any of the necessary uvb rays he requires to stay healthy.
Yes, I have a reptisun 5.0 bulb and a 75w basking bulb. Feeding him mostly crickets and occasionally superworms.

I encourage you to add more variety of prey. Aim to have no single prey choice make up more than 40% of this diet.

How are you gutloading? You may need to occassionally add in some pre-formed vitamin A, given the very limited prey choices you are providing so far.
I would use oranges instead of the cubes and you need to add some more fruits and veggies especially some dark leafy greens(forget regular lettuce) such as mustard greens, collards greens, kale etc.
Well, I only have one issue with him currently. He is walking very close to his prey and lightly pressing his tongue against them to eat them. He is still eating all of them. His tongue is still sticky and looks healthy. He can still shoot his tongue. He just misses. I'm trying to fix this by improving my supplementing. :(
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