
Hi everyone I'm new to this and recently bought a male, 4 month old Jacksons Chameleon. I have asked a question before but only one person replied so if you would check that out that would be great.

But I have a question about his supplaments. I dust with calcium w/o D3 twice a week. Then I put them in the cage in random locations. How do I know that he is getting all the calcium he needs before the crickets die or become cleaned.

Any answers on both questions would help out a lot. Thanks!
You need to be dusting with calcium without D3 every feeding, dust with D3 once every 2 weeks and dust with vitamins once every 2 weeks. He will be getting enough calcium if he eats them.
Are you sure because Ive read that montane species like the Jacksons only need twice weekly supplaments and could die from calcium toxicity. The place I bought it from also said this. I was just seeing if this was true. But if you are experienced in Jacksons, then I will listen to you.
So is my schedual okay or should I do that twice a week and dust a cricket or two at every feeding? Or would that be over doing it?
I don't have a Jacksons so I can't really comment on the proper supplimentation schedule but I know it's outlined in the care sheets so I'd reference that and follow those guidelines.
So is my schedual okay or should I do that twice a week and dust a cricket or two at every feeding? Or would that be over doing it?

He needs plain calcium at every feeding. It's the vitamins that the montane species are a little more sensitive to not the calcium. You might try cutting your vitamins with plain calcium. I don't feed any of my chameleons calcium with D3. I expect them to make their own with good lighting.
I think lightly dusting feeder with plain calcium and vitamin supplement ( many also have calcium) more than 3 times a week is overkill for ANY species that has reached maturity, withe exceptions being gravid females, growing juveniles, animals repairing broken bones, or under veterinarian supervision. Gutloading should be your primary form of supplementing.
I also prefer to give lower doses of weaker vitamins, more often, than once every 2 weeks, but everyone has to do what works for them.
If you aren't using a misting system and are hand watering, supplement less often. If you are feeding your crickets anything other than something made at home with approved ingredients or a site sponsored mix, supplement less. Hydration and gutloading are key players in the supplement equation. So is exposure to heat and light.
I dust my feeders with calcium every feeding for my jax, I expect a lot of the calcium will wash of during misting. I supplement multivitamin with D3 every first feeding of the month.
On top of that my feeders get a diet made from the recommended fruits and vegetables.
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