
Awesome! I'm gonna scratch that off the list and try to use the aquarium ones in the meantime. I'll figure some way to keep him from playing with them. I hope. Hehe.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Melric, heres a funny story for you, maybe stock up on budweiser? :D

Beer brings horse back from the dead

Lmao! That's great! I should try it should my horse collic again. The only thing is when the gas accumulates their bellies become distended and that could kill them. Relieving the gas actually helps so if the beer causes burping that could be the key.

Thanks that was a great article. On a side note Argos is doing well. :D nothing to report on him as of late.
Well he survived everyone! And man is he a wild one now. He's acting like a two year old stud when he is a nine year old stallion! Tomorrow I start working him and getting him back into riding shape. It's been warm enough for him to shed his winter coat so he is looking golden. Thank you all for your support. It was very appreciated. Now it's time to ride! I know what I'm doing this weekend. :D
Michael, that is awesome news! Argos has been on my mind ALL week! but didnt want to bug you always asking how he is doing.
You news was just the thing I needed to hear, thank you :)
I too rode today, and tomorrow, and Sunday. what the hell might as ride Monday as well!!

Let us know how your ride us...heheheh probably one heck of a ride! hope you didnt get tossed!

Sure would be nice to get to the meeting Tues, and hear it first hand
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