Sweet Cage Deal!


New Member
Sorry, just had to share such a great deal. I'll be picking up a 24x24x48 screen cage with a couple of vines FOR 25 dollars! Yay! My little girl gets a huge cage all to herself. :D I'm sure she could be in her small cage for a bit longer but I just couldn't pass this up. SO HAPPY!:D:):p:eek:
Wow that's a good deal! I would of jumped on a deal like that my self! I'm sure she will be much happier in such a huge cage all to her self!:D
Yay! I went to go pick up the cage and actually paid 20 dollars for it... No holes no rips, in perfect condition. Stupid Map Quest took me on a toll road and I had to pay 5 freakin' dollars so I pretty much paid 25 dollars anyway BUT sweet deal anyway! On a down note (sort of) I went to pick up a female "B. smithi" with set up and all for 30 dollars and it ended up being a B. auratum :( It's still a great deal and all but I already have a B. auratum. Oh well... :rolleyes:
Ok so here is a shot of Darla's new home... Keep in mind that I still need to do some minor adjustments and need to figure out how to fix the pothos so that it's up higher and hangs. :D So far so good and not too shabby for a 20 dollar cage.

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