luevelvet Avid Member May 29, 2010 #1 Hey Everyone, We had a clutch of T. quadricornis hatch last week and so far they're doing pretty well! Cheers! Luis
Hey Everyone, We had a clutch of T. quadricornis hatch last week and so far they're doing pretty well! Cheers! Luis
Motherlode Chameleon Chameleon Enthusiast May 29, 2010 #3 Congratulations with your quadricornis babies!
tkilgour Member May 29, 2010 #6 Great work....I have been wanting CB quadricornis. Put me on your waiting list please!!!!
warpdrive Avid Member May 29, 2010 #9 Congrats Luis. What a cool looking baby. To show such patterns of color at such a young age...looks male to me. I think he's trying to tell you that he wants to come home with me. (That's my way of saying don't forget me when they are of proper age) Harry
Congrats Luis. What a cool looking baby. To show such patterns of color at such a young age...looks male to me. I think he's trying to tell you that he wants to come home with me. (That's my way of saying don't forget me when they are of proper age) Harry
DGray Avid Member May 29, 2010 #10 Congrats Congrats to you and the mom. The little guy looks Fantastic! Best wishes for their progress.
Congrats Congrats to you and the mom. The little guy looks Fantastic! Best wishes for their progress.
laurie Retired Moderator May 29, 2010 #14 Luis i am very pleased for you, congratulations. How many little bobble heads are you expecting? All I know is you are having more than me, it seems like 13 but I may be nuts. Now tell me everything you do so I can mirror it with mine. Also I get my baby wayyyyyyyyy before Harry.
Luis i am very pleased for you, congratulations. How many little bobble heads are you expecting? All I know is you are having more than me, it seems like 13 but I may be nuts. Now tell me everything you do so I can mirror it with mine. Also I get my baby wayyyyyyyyy before Harry.
luevelvet Avid Member May 29, 2010 #15 Thanks everyone! It looks like the final count is 11. The last two didn't make it out of their eggs. :-/ We do have a few clutches left to hatch and if all things go well.... Here's one of them at just one day old.. Cheers! Luis
Thanks everyone! It looks like the final count is 11. The last two didn't make it out of their eggs. :-/ We do have a few clutches left to hatch and if all things go well.... Here's one of them at just one day old.. Cheers! Luis
ajacobson New Member May 29, 2010 #16 wow those are gorgeous!! Makes me want one of those now....which I'm sure the hubby will love lol!
ShaunaLynnA New Member May 29, 2010 #17 best wishies with the progress of these adorable little guys! They look great!
luevelvet Avid Member May 29, 2010 #20 Thanks again for such kind words! These are F1 from long term captive parents. Here are a couple images of the sire. We call him Vince... And one of Momma II (I know, not original at all) just after laying this clutch... Cheers! Luis
Thanks again for such kind words! These are F1 from long term captive parents. Here are a couple images of the sire. We call him Vince... And one of Momma II (I know, not original at all) just after laying this clutch... Cheers! Luis