T. quadricornis


Avid Member
I've been promising some shots of the young ones but they're so shy it's been a mission. So I decided to take the little beast out to stretch his sail fin. Though he's still a very tough subject, I was able to snap a few decent ones.



Now, the adult male is such a ham, he loves the attention! This is one of the faces that greets me every morning in my office.



Question: Do they grow more horns as they grow? The little one only has two but the big one has 4. And is the sail fin kept down in general and up when stressed? Just wondering....
Luis I need that little boy. I said I didn't mind when Josh & Michelle sent him to you but I was wrong, he is gorgeous!! I am so happy you are working with these wonderful quads. I enjoy my two every single day. How lucky we are to have quads.:D
Oh no way! Laurie has TWO AND EGGS and I only have one. ..not fair, not fair, not fair...I would give him a MUCH better home where 3 feet of snow doesn't exist.

Thanks everyone! I didn't think the images would bring out hate and jealousy! :p

Their horns do grow at their own rate. Some grow faster than others and on the rare occasion two more horns will appear but generally they don't grow much more than raised horn buds. You can kind of see them on the adult male.

AJA, I meant my home office. I wouldn't subject one of our animals to the uncontrollable environment at the workplace and lugging them back and forth isn't very practical. But, being out of work I've spent the past three months working on a few projects from home so I guess you can safely say this is my office. :)

Although caged, he shares the office with me and a free range melleri. I really can't imagine better work neighbors. ;)

Thanks again everyone,

Oh, and Laurie... I do feel very lucky to be working with this group. I still haven't thought of an adequate way to thank Josh and Michelle. :)

Well, I'll just say it like this, we're lucky to be working with all of the species that we have. When we first decided to become a bit more serious about keeping and breeding, we sat down and made a list of only a few species. While we've only deviated slightly (our lone montium female) we've really stuck to our plan. While it would be a wonderful thing to work with most of the available species, you can never find the intimacy you would when you focus on just a few, or even one. :)

Question: Do they grow more horns as they grow? The little one only has two but the big one has 4. And is the sail fin kept down in general and up when stressed? Just wondering....

If you look closely, you will see the second set of horns on the little male.

Fantastic pics! I knew they would be. The big male was always my favorite cham! People say quads are shy, but they all ate out of my hand. Maybe they just liked me!:)
nice photos Luis.

ah, Quads. my wait continues. but one day.

like you (Luis), I've desided to narrow down any possable breeding effots to just a few chameleons.
basicly, just quads and a rare mating of my panthers.
for me, quads would work perfectly because of their small clutch size.

it's too bad they are super rare right now.
I would like to jump on buying 3 cages and a mistking system right now if I could find some from a reliable breeder. I just don't want to deal with a wild cought if I can help it.
ba...it's too cold anyway right now to have any shipped.

your little guy is just too cute. it's another reason I need to get some.
I can't put my tounge on it, but there is just something about quads. :eek:

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