T style screen cage


Avid Member
Just a random thought i've had over the years...

We are always saying that chams prefer being higher in the cage due to them being arboreal lizards, for security, etc. Well i've always wondered, if they are always up towards the top (which is usually true), why dont we create cages that have more usable space for them? say they use the top 2 feet of the cage of a standard 2x4. Thats leaves them with 2x2 usable space.

I know the suggestion i'm about to make takes up more space and wouldn't be realistic to everyone, but for those that keep just one or two and have the space...

Why not create a cage that is a T shape. use the standard 2x2 shape, with a 2x4 that lies horizontally on top of the 2x2? This would need to be manufacture in such a way or a DIY, but would allow them to still be at the top portion of the cage, along with having a lot more horizontal moving space. Has anyone tried this?

Just a random thought thats been in my head for years and thought i'd see if anyone else thinks like this. Just seems like they really dont get much moving space in a 2x4
That's a brilliant idea! I would buy one if they were available... at a reasonable price of course...;)
This is a novel idea which would be interesting to carry out! The logic is sound. Drainage might be a problem in the cross area if the cage is inside the house. But it certainly would be a focal point and you could set it up to be a good home especially for a male Panther or veiled.

If you were going to make this design with the chameleon in mind (as opposed to an artistic vivarium expression) I would recommend just making the cage a large rectangle rather than a "T". Many chameleons will actually use more than the top portion of the cage. Though male panthers and veileds tend to survey their territory from up top, female panthers, montanes, and others will enjoy multiple levels to choose from with differing amounts of exposure to the outside world. By having a large horizontally orientated cage you have many options for internal landscaping.

That said, if you ever want to figure out how to do a cool T cage for artistic vivarium expression just let me know. I bet we could come up with a pretty nice setup with two 48" Large Keeper Cages!

I've kind of thought about this, I can post up a model I did awhile go like this, didn't go with an exact T, but skinnier at the bottom and then widens out, I actually made the planks of wood look like tree branches so the whole front. I'll dig around for a screenshot later!
Well, for many years I used shallower but longer cages on shelves up off the ground, reasoning that the chameleons can tell that a 4' high cage on the ground isn't as arboreal as a 2' or 3' high cage on a shelf 4' off the ground (making the top of it 6' off the ground rather than 4). It's pretty nearly the same concept. It does work great too. Chams don't care if their cage is taller than wider, they only care that they are up off the ground.

edit- so in other words you can accomplish pretty nearly the same thing as the "T" cage idea for the lizard by turning a normal cage on it's side and sitting it up off the ground on a shelf.

edit edit- of course there is also nothing wrong with a "T" shaped cage either. Whatever works and if it makes it fun for you then go for it!
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