Tail discoloration after fall


New Member
Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - Panther, male(I think), is suppose to be about 9-10 months old now, we have had it for over 3 moths
* Handling - No more than once a week at the most
* Feeding - Crickets, going to start to add worms to diet. about 10/12 a day
* Supplements - Was dusting every day but going to start every other day now that chameleon is older
* Watering - Drip system, chameleon drinks regularly
* Fecal Description - Goes poop about once a day. is dark brown/black with white tailings. looks firm but not dry
* History - Has always been active, good eater, drinking water and most of the time a nice light tan color. Having black strips when hunting food or stressed a little. Just now starting to show colors.

Cage Info:

* Cage Type - Screen, 30" X 30" X 18"
* Lighting - Use separate heat and UV lights
* Plants - Plastic
* Placement - In corner of mostly quiet room, away from vents and direct sun light.
* Location - Pacific Northwest America

Current Problem - About 5 days ago one of the kids heard a thud from the chameleon's cage and than saw the chameleon on the bottom of his cage when just a few minutes earlier she saw the chameleon at his usual spot closer to the top of the cage. So we think the chameleon fell. The next day, I notice a gray area around the base of the tail of the chameleon that was not there before. After 5 days, the gray area has not change in size or shape. The Chameleon is still active, eating, drinking and using his tail as normal. It just looks like the color has disappeared from this area of the tail and along the full length of the tail at the very bottom side in a very slim line. Just waited to know if it looks like it is something to worry about? Or just something to watch to see if it gets worst or changes shape or color?


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Your panther is 100% female. She looks like she may be about to shed, but as long as she is using her tail she should be fine. Also, I would add some live plants if possible.
Since she's female you should also get a 12 inch deep and 12 inch wide laying bin with moist play sand, moist enough to make a tunnel that won't collapse and dry enough not to be a desert.
Lizardlover - The chameleon shed just about 2 weeks ago for the second time we have had it.

If it is a female, then when do I have to worry about it wanting to lay eggs?

You need to worry now. She can produce eggs at any time now. Get a container that is about 12 X 12 and put some washed playsand in it for her to have a place to lay.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I will get something for her to lay her eggs in when she is ready.
Just disappointed that it is not a male since the reptile store we bought the chameleon from told us it was a male.
At least I know now not much to worry about as far as the tail goes.
Hey, Ive had a couple females that show that kind of greyish coloration at the base of the tail from time to time. Its nothing to be alarmed about.
second the nothing to worry about.

off topic as far your care goes. i have a few questions.

1. what types of supplements are you using and schedule. be more specific.

2. adding worms. which kind?

3. gutload?

4. lighting? be more specific.

5. temps. i can see from your pic the ambient room temps. what are your basking temps?
hi there this has happened to me not too long ago my female fell and she lost all of her colour from mid bodie down, in my opinion i would go straight to the vet sooner the better they will proberbly giver her a small steroid injection and a coures of other things.
hope it helps
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