I have a pair of Veiled chameleons 14-16 weeks old. I have had them for almost a month now and they were both very healthy. Coloration/activity/appetite, all good. The male shed for the second time since I have had them and some of the skin did not come off of the tail. I misted and soaked the tail in warm water for a short time and the skin still didn't come off. A few days ago, the portion of the tail that had the skin clinging to it turned brown and possibly infected. The affected section is approx 1" long, and another smaller section about an inch away. the initial section is slightly smaller in diameter than the parts around it. My first thought was that the circulation had been cut off by the unshed portion of the skin, although the section of the tail below the brown part looks healthy. Today, the brown section has a strange curve to it. it still moves, and is still used as a prehensile appendage, but I'm very worried about that section of the tail developing an infection, and/or bone disease. I will try to get a good enough quality picture of the tail and post it soon. If anyone has seen this before or might know what it is I would appreciate the help.
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