Tail issue on the new baby veiled


New Member
Just wanted to get an opinion on this. I just picked up a veiled Cham baby yesterday from LLL reptiles at a show and I am noticing something troublesome going on with his tail. It looks kinked or broken to me at the tip. Almost like it was shut in a cage/deli cup. He is using it fine and doesn't seem to be stressed about it but I have only had him for about 15 hours so not a ton if time to observe him. Here's a pic. Any opinions?
Just an FYI, I didn't post any of the housing info or anything since this isn't related to his habitat. He is a male though and I am unsure of how old he is. I actually have another thread hoping people can help me guess his age
He looks about a month old and that could very well be what happen to his tail. I would locale a reptile vet with chameleon experience and at the first sign of a change get him to a vet. It could possibly turn black or become infected. It's always good to get a fecal because parasites are often found in chameleons and a new pet check up is also a good idea.
He looks about a month old and that could very well be what happen to his tail. I would locale a reptile vet with chameleon experience and at the first sign of a change get him to a vet. It could possibly turn black or become infected. It's always good to get a fecal because parasites are often found in chameleons and a new pet check up is also a good idea.

Thanks for the response. I knew it just didn't look right. My husband picked him up and I wish he would have looked closer. I am not all that happy with the people who sold him either, but being that it was at a convention there is not much that can be done bout that. We will definitely be getting the little guy to a vet. And monitoring him for any changes. Hopefully it doesn't become a big problem, and just ends up being a a little quirky feature of his
Thanks for the response. I knew it just didn't look right. My husband picked him up and I wish he would have looked closer. I am not all that happy with the people who sold him either, but being that it was at a convention there is not much that can be done bout that. We will definitely be getting the little guy to a vet. And monitoring him for any changes. Hopefully it doesn't become a big problem, and just ends up being a a little quirky feature of his

That's probably all it will be but just keep an eye on it to make sure.
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