taking a survey, panther owners

I actually had to deal with this today. I live in colorado and to say it's dry as a desert would be an understatement. I think the general rule of thumb is to try and keep it above 60%. So now I'm considering getting a mist king for when I can't hand mist it :(

Correct me if I'm wrong!
Not sure what the lowest you can go is ..... pretty sure your around the line though...... Deff want to get that up.
I actually had to deal with this today. I live in colorado and to say it's dry as a desert would be an understatement. I think the general rule of thumb is to try and keep it above 60%. So now I'm considering getting a mist king for when I can't hand mist it :(

Correct me if I'm wrong!

Aquazamp raindomes are pretty cool...about the same price too.
add\ more\ plants\ and\ keep\ misting!!\ even\ try\ the\ shower\ method\ if\ needed\ place\ cham\ on\ its\ fav\ plant\ in\ the\ shower\ but\ first\ find\ a\ good\ temp.
I'm still on a small cage as my new baby is only 3 months old. But I'd like to be set for the future when I move van Gogh into his adult cage!
You want to try and keep it above 50%.
To long in a dry enviroment and the chameleon will dry out.

Right now, my cham room is at 67F and falling with an RH of 60%.
Outside right now is at 50F and 97% RH.

Earlier today the indoor ambient was 72F with a 85% RH.

The temp outside at nite here still gets pretty cold, especially with the ocean wind blowing in, so I shut the windows at nite.

I imagine it will get down to 60F with an RH of 60% in there tonight.
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